Women’s sexuality has long been an uncomfortable topic, but there are still various stereotypes in our subconscious. By the way, it is precisely these stereotypes that are often to blame for the various problems we face in our intimate relationship. What do scientists say about this? What are the most common myths about female sexuality and how to debunk them? Here are some of the most popular examples.
Women are monogamous
There is a lot of discussion about whether humans are monogamous or not. The assumption that women crave only one partner and are programmed to have children with only one partner is incorrect. In fact, in long-term relationships, women’s libido declines rapidly over the years.
Researchers from Canada say that women covet their partners much faster than men. This may be related to hormonal changes and how a woman feels in a particular relationship: whether she feels attached to her partner, whether she feels valued, coveted, etc., writes Psychologies.ru.

As women age, their libido decreases
Psychologists from the University of Texas conducted a study and found that women between the ages of 30 and 40 are much more sexually active than those over the age of 20. Forty-year-old women are more likely to experience multiple orgasms. “Decreased sexual desire is not related to age, but to psychological problems,” said Susan Williams, a psychologist and author of The New Joy of Sex.
When mature women give up on sex, they do not realize how much of their intimate potential is wasted.
Women think less about sex than men
According to a Nielsen.com survey, one in three viewers of online pornography is a woman. Women are also leaders in the field of erotic literature. “It is not that women’s interest in sex is less. Rather, female libido is more sensitive to a wider range of stimuli, such as words, sounds, and so on. And the mechanism of sexual arousal in women is different, more complex. There are many factors involved and the emotional state comes first, ”says sexologist Meredita Chiversa.

Women need a lot of time to get aroused
In fact, women and men need about the same amount of time to warm up. A study by McGill University in Canada came to the following conclusion: the key question is not “how long” but “how”! According to the authors of the study, the main cause of women’s arousal lies in the fact that sex does not always take place in a psychological atmosphere acceptable to women. “In our culture, a man’s satisfaction and the kind of choice that helps him achieve it is a priority,” says Lisa Type, a researcher in sex psychology.
If a man’s satisfaction is always at the forefront, the woman often even gives up the idea that she needs to reach orgasm herself. Over time, as a woman learns to simulate it, she loses contact with her senses, leading to sexual dysfunction.
Sex makes women fall in love
Another variant of this myth is: “Men’s emotions are not related to the sexual field, so he can have sex only for pleasure. Women release hormones during orgasm that change their emotional background. ” In fact, love hormones, i.e. oxytocin, are released during sex in both men and women, but there is no evidence that oxytocin affects women differently and causes them to fall in love.