
Low libido or how to restore the craving for physical intimacy

Let’s talk about the desire to make love. For some, this desire manifests itself as the need to do TO even several times a day, while for others the issue is a bit “stuck”, and the desire for physical closeness is not as relevant as before. What if the idea of ​​sex seems exciting, but your body does not agree with it? Low libido – we have solutions!

low libido

What is low libido?

Low sexual drive – is it something bad? The word libido basically refers to a person’s desire for sex. If this craving for pleasure is quite low or in other cases even non-existent, human libido is defined as low.

In a situation where low appetite is not expressed and does not cause some disappointment, efforts to increase libido levels in any way are not necessary. On the other hand, if you are trying to live with this problem for a long time and it creates significant challenges in the relationship with your partner, it would be warmly recommended to look for appropriate solutions to improve the situation.

Factors that lower a woman’s libido

There may be various reasons for a low or virtually non-existent desire for sex, and several of them depend on a person’s gender. For example, for fairer sex, a decrease in libido levels may be associated with pregnancy, the period before menopause, the use of hormonal contraception, as well as increased levels of stress and a feeling of busyness.

In the context of pregnancy, decreased libido is most often observed in the first trimester of pregnancy. After the first three months of carrying a baby, a woman’s libido levels are likely to return and possibly even increase significantly.

Factors that lower a man’s libido

low libido

Decreased lust for strong sex can also be associated with excessive stress and constant running. Unlike women of the stronger sex, testosterone levels drop over the years. Testosterone is called the male sex hormone and its natural decrease in the male body can also lead to loss of libido or lust.

It should be noted that a drop in testosterone levels in a man after the age of 40 is natural. Medical experts emphasize that for most men, the reduction in appetite caused by testosterone levels is minimal. Remember, if you notice any change in your member’s erection or feel a decrease in member sensitivity in addition to a drop in libido, it’s time to see a specialist!

Recommendations for restoring libido levels

Let’s get to the most important thing – how to increase or stabilize your libido? To solve this problem, it is necessary to take a rather everyday approach, ie to pay more attention to one’s own and one’s partner’s current habits. For example, if your partner is taking birth control pills on a daily basis, tell her to consult a doctor to discuss a replacement for this medicine. It is taken into account that the constant use of other medicines can also lead to a decrease in appetite, so carefully weigh the contents of your medicine cabinet.

Note that unhealthy eating and passion for so-called “fast food” and semi-finished products can also be crucial. Why? An unhealthy diet is closely linked to an increase in cholesterol levels in the body, which in turn leads to the human body having difficulty experiencing agitation as well as orgasm.

More fruit, less fat!

Despite the busy schedule and the never-ending to-do list, try to free up at least 30 minutes to exercise moderately. Yes, it can also be a walk together before or after work! Exercise is an integral part of everyday life for couples facing sexual desire problems – it improves both the aforementioned testosterone levels and a man’s endurance during intercourse.

low libido

It is worth remembering that the concept of “normal libido” does not exist in the world of intimate intimacy. Every person’s body is different, so there is no significant reason for being too worried about small fluctuations in the context of libido levels.

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