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Good Guys vs Bad Boys – Why Do Women Like Bad Guys?

Why do women love bad guys? They are harsh, rude, confident and radiate brutal energy. They don’t pay too much attention to their partner, manipulate them and cheat. They often break the law. But as a hypnotized, she humbly looks into his eyes, forgives him everything and doesn’t even want to hear about other men.

Why do women like bad guys so much?

Image of brutality

“Bad Boy” has been introduced into the vocabulary from American movies. These men have a special brutal look. Often there is little room for new tattoos on their body, they seem to be the embodiment of carelessness, reluctant to discuss their emotions, and their posture and gestures clearly show who’s the boss. And they get women from just looking at them.

Why do women seek such men? Why don’t they prefer well-educated, honest souls?


Primitive masculinity

Women love bad guys, whose primitive masculinity has the following set of characteristics: cruelty, the ability to move forward despite obstacles, the ability to get rid of competitors and achieve the goal first.

Even if their methods of achieving their goals are not always acceptable to society and sometimes even illegal, it doesn’t matter to women. You don’t judge winners.

Women love bad guys because of their uncontrollable desire to win, because of fearlessness, and because of their ability to ignore everything in the name of victory.

Women like bad guys who have the characteristics of alpha males

They will just come and get you and won’t let anyone get in the way. If he has decided that a woman should belong to him, so be it. And yes, he won’t have to put much effort into that. And, which is not very pleasing to the beauties who catch on the hook of a bad boy, such man love easily and quickly, and just as easily leave their partner to go to the next one.


Danger and risk tenses feelings

Bad guys are loved because of their risk taking. After all, a relationship with them is as dangerous as if you were standing on the edge of the abyss: it tickles your nerves. Women love bad guys because of their unwavering courage and adrenaline. Relationship with them is always an exciting adventure. And this, as you know, greatly exacerbates emotions. After all, women want colors in relationships. Most are not bound by boring peace and predictability. And with the bad guy by her side, she gets a lot of adrenaline.

It just seems that women are especially attracted to what will cause them strong, restless emotions: betrayal, scandals, rudeness, rejection. But what a sweet settlement there is after that!

In addition, bad guys are often more experienced in sex because they have more sexual partners in their lives than ordinary men. They are not tormented by inferiority complexes, they know women and know how to satisfy them.

The constant need to fight for the bad guy promotes a woman’s desire to defeat competitors and get this man just for herself.

I will re-educate him!

Many women have an indestructible advocate-savior syndrome. This is especially true for young girls who are confident that they will be able to re-educate their loved one. The woman believes that she will be the one who will force him to get rid of bad habits, negative traits, he will become white and fluffy.

They are so attracted to bad guys that they are even willing to endure bullying and violence.

Psychologists say that this advocate-savior relationship ends in disappointment: a man destroys their naive notions and their hopes.


Bad guys versus good guys: who wins?

In describing the stronger sex, women perceive shyness, modesty, humility and lack of initiative as non-male qualities. In the eyes of women, behind such character traits lies a man with such complexes as fear of loss, lack of ambition, sluggishness, apathy.

So when a woman says to a man, “You’re a wonderful friend, I can talk to you about anything, you’ll always understand me,” in fact, it means defeat. Because the real meaning of these words is, “I don’t want you, I don’t think of you as a man, and don’t even think about sex!”

On the other hand, the ability to move forward without paying attention to obstacles, the desire to achieve a goal in spite of everything in a woman’s sense, is a particularly masculine trait.

Women want to go beyond politeness

Women love bad guys also because it is associated with the desire to break the boundaries of decency imposed on relatives, parents and teachers, psychologists say. Those who are “tied” to their homes, children, parents, subconsciously try to escape from this influence, painting for themselves an illusory bad image that will pull them out of the routine.


Are there really no chance for well-educated, honest men?

The good guys don’t know how to fight, they will leave the relationship when they have problems and reappear when everything is in order, psychologists say. But there is no guarantee that the bad guy will help either. But at least he will try because he likes to feel like a hero.

Good guys are easy to influence too: if you don’t like at least one of his relatives, the chances of a relationship will be zero. But a bad guy will love you regardless of what his closest ones think.

The good guys are shy

The good guy will stand at your door and knock so shy that you won’t even hear it. If you do not answer, he will turn around and leave, psychologists say. But if the bad guy wants to meet you, so be it. If you don’t open the door, he’ll walk through the window, whether you want it or not.

In the short term, good really loses to bad. But in the long run, the good guys win. Women sooner or later realizes that they want family support, children, a strong back. And she chooses a good man.

Being with a bad guy is like living on a volcano, and he’s not fit for family life. A romance with a bad guy can become a vivid episode in life and give a woman an invaluable experience. The passion will be unforgettable. Such a relationship is necessary to gain a feminine experience, a healthy immunity, and to never fall into such trap again.

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