No 12: Cancer
Remember: Cancer doesn’t cheat. Never! If a Cancer is caught in someone else’s bed, it means that he was drunk and someone dragged him there. Or he was abducted by aliens, tortured and blackmailed with your death… Cancers are perfect housewives for whom family and loyalty are not empty words, but the principle of life. And how can they be unfaithful if they rarely leave the house? But take into account – never betray Cancer’s trust and appreciate his efforts in taking care of the household and the atmosphere at home. Representatives of this sign cheat, or rather, completely leave the family, only when they see that their partner’s feelings for them have completely faded. It’s not even betrayal, it’s just letting you go.
No 11: Scorpio
Despite the legends about Scorpios, they are one of the most loyal signs. Yes, Scorpios love sex in all its forms, but they tend to engage in it with one, carefully chosen partner. Only three reasons can lead them to cheating: long-term dissatisfaction in bed, the coldness of the other half and revenge. With the first problem, Scorpios cope quite well on their own, stirring up passions in bed. However, they never forgive betrayal. It is enough to betray a Scorpio once or spread even the slightest rumor about their unfaithfulness, and that’s it! The relationship is over. But before the finale, they will carefully plan a vengeful betrayal, the details of which will be announced to you in such colors that everything else will pale.

No 10: Libra
Libra is a sign that leans towards romance, long-term relationships and marriage. Therefore, they are not big fans of betrayal by their significant other. Yes, flirting is their element. A Libra can sweetly chat with the opposite sex, but jump into bed with a stranger on the first date? Forgive me! Libra can afford it only when they have no relationship at all. Family problems and faded love can push Libra towards cheating too. As soon as Libra sinks into the routine of life and begins to feel the whims, resentments and aggression of the partner, they basically die morally. Only an affair with another person helps restore the fullness of life. This is what helps Libra understand that it’s time to end one relationship and start a new one.
No 9: Leo
Fiery Leo could lead the parade of the biggest cheaters. But they are too lazy to engage in such nonsense. Searching for lovers, secret meetings, hiding evidence – all this undermines the pyramid of Leo’s interests. Why waste time and energy on sex “from the outside” when these resources can be spent on your family! Thus, in the case of Leo, laziness is not only the engine of progress, but also the basis of loyalty. Of course, sometimes this sign can be caught in someone else’s bed. But this is characteristic of Leos – entrepreneurs who need a beautiful diva to dazzle their business partners at high society parties. But overall, they dream of a brighter future where robots will do the hard work instead of humans. And the wife will be satisfied, and there will be no need to keep a beautiful companion.
No 8: Virgo
Virgos do not tend to betray their partner, but there is one small “but”… All Virgos are perfectionists, so they are very demanding of their partner. Of course, at first, Virgos try to “sculpt” their soulmate according to their desires, because the main rule of Virgos reads like this: “If you want the ideal, draw it!” However, it is not always possible to change a person, or what was created does not live up to expectations. Therefore, they start looking around, thinking that the neighbor’s grass is greener and roof is stronger. With age, of course, Virgos begin to understand that there are no perfect people, and before starting to look for the best of the best, you should also take care of yourself – after all, you will have to be equal! In general, it is preferable to marry Virgos when they are mature enough.

No 7: Taurus
They tend to see only the most beautiful in everything, and that’s exactly what they choose. Therefore, people of this zodiac sign seem to feel the best qualities of those around them, and then purposefully seek to enchant the best shots, even turn them into their own property. That’s how Tauruses fall into the traps of love and become so powerless to resist the charm that sometimes they have to start two nests – to create a legal family and an unofficial union. Taurus unfaithfulness, although it happens quite rarely, can last for several years. They do everything very carefully so that the spouse, God forbid, does not smell something. However, if Taurus decides to leave the family, it means that they will definitely not return.
No 6: Pisces
Pisces may not find true love even throughout their lives. Their main driving force is dramatic situations. These people feel best when everything around them boils in passion, when their self-inflicted scandals end in passionate hugs, tears and kisses. Peaceful and harmonious relationships are not in their nature: Pisces simply cannot stand monotony. Then they get bored, and when that happens, there are only two ways out: drive your partner into hysterics or cheat. If the first goal is achieved, it is unlikely that Pisces will choose to take a side step. But few can survive an endless soap opera and withstand the manipulations of Pisces. They understand this, but still swim where they feel the taste of adventure.
No 5: Aquarius
Another zodiac sign that adores freedom is the genius Aquarius. Unfaithful Aquarians are quite rare, but if they do decide to take this step, they do it gracefully and dramatically, because they cannot do anything without emotions. The paradox of the Aquarian character is that they are generally quite rational, but if they choose to cheat, they will not even think of hiding their tracks. Even more so, if they are asked for explanations, they confess without hesitation – even in the smallest details. It is not worth trying to limit the freedom of such people or to try to impose an obligation on them. As soon as Aquarians feel a possessive grip, they will try to escape.
No 4: Capricorn
Capricorns are pedantic by nature, and that’s how they cheat also. For example, their decision to freely start an affair may be determined by the desire to take revenge on their partner, or punish them. Therefore, if your partner is a representative of the Capricorn sign, do not neglect them, otherwise you may have to learn about the secret love triangle that exists in your relationship.
When it comes to people whose sign is Capricorn, we should also mention the fact that they do not think that climbing the career ladder through bed is immoral. They may see sex as a means to an end. So the service romance for Capricorn is an episode from the professional field, not some cruel betrayal.
No 3: Gemini
The bronze medal in the list of unfaithful goes to Gemini. Representatives of this Zodiac sign are driven to distrust by their contradictory nature. Another determining factor for this is acquired habit: if Gemini has practiced a double life since youth, it is likely that they will live this way later on, because they are simply used to it. We must not forget that Gemini is the soul of society: their jokes are funny to everyone, and the stories they tell seem immediately engaging. So it shouldn’t be too surprising that they also fascinate others. Gemini sees sex as a spiritual experience that is not a sin to share. It is also significant that Geminis are attracted to games, so they find it fun to cover up infidelity. However, Gemini does not forgive when you cheat on them: because how dare anyone humiliate such a charming and attractive partner as them?
No 2: Aries
Silver in this rating should be given to the Aries. They are considered to be people who take their family seriously, but the problem is that they are very curious and they won’t rest until they try something new that they haven’t experienced before. Aries more often than other signs of the Zodiac have to be caught in other people’s beds. They accumulate the acquired experience as valuable information – in this sense they are very rational and this only confirms that they are unfaithful physically, not emotionally. To satisfy their sexual needs, Aries can behave very selfishly, so it is practically impossible to lure them away from the family. If Aries have decided that the family is their fortress, any attempts to persuade them to divorce will end in fiasco.
No 1: Sagittarius
Compared to other signs of the Zodiac, Sagittarius are the most prone to infidelity. This is because representatives of this sign are dedicated to freedom. Locking them between four walls, imprisoning them in monotony and routine is simply impossible. Impressions and new experiences are as necessary for Sagittarians as air and water, otherwise they will inevitably be overwhelmed by terrible boredom. Moreover, Sagittarians are especially attracted to idealism, the concept of which can change over time. However, whatever happens, they do their best to make the divorce amicable, so that no one will remember them badly. Most sidesteps happen when they’re young, when emotions are especially hot. With age, even representatives of this sign begin to understand what pain is and why it is not necessary to hurt people.
What kind of sex toy suits you according to your zodiac sign?