This is an example page. It differs from a blog post in that it stays in one place and will be displayed in your site’s navigation (in most topics). Most people start by creating an “About Us” page that introduces potential site visitors. It could contain something like this:

Hello! During the day I am a bicycle courier, at night I try to become an actor and this is my site. I live in Los Angeles, I have a great dog named Jack and I like to drink pina collages. (And get into the rain.)

… Or something like this:

Founded in 1917, XYZ Doohickey has been providing the public with quality, small appliances ever since. XYZ, based in the city of Gotham, employs more than 2,000 people and is involved in a variety of stunning things for the community of Gotham.

As a new WordPress user, you should go to your administration panel to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!