
The strangest sex laws in the world

Every nation and country has its own laws and traditions. What is considered the norm in one country can be severely punished in another. The field of sex is no exception. This time, let’s find out what the strangest sex laws in the world are – laws that were once passed in different countries, and others that still exist today.

USA – breast kissing and erection

Confusion is easiest in this country, because America has not only federal but also different state laws. In Florida, for example, a man is not allowed to kiss a woman’s breast in a public place, but Arizona residents may not own more than two dildos.

In contrast, obvious erections are banned in 19 different US states.

London – no, for sex on a motorcycle

It is illegal in London to have sex on a motorcycle , but only if it is parked. The law does not mention anything about having sex on a motorcycle, so the challenge is accepted? I’m kidding. Don’t do it.

Italy – Ugly women do not naked

In Palermo, a public place, naked men arrive at the police station in an instant. In Tropea, on the other hand, there has been a law for 10 years banning ugly women from being bare on the beaches, despite the fact that Italians are considered one of the hottest and most romantic nations.


Although the diversity of sexual activities in Japan is huge compared to other liberal countries, in the field of pornography, this nation is still quite oppressed. Open genitals in pornography are still blurred, even in hentai movies, comics and adult games .

In addition, in the past, a rather strange law required the mother-in-law to attend the first night of the newlyweds. Now – only on the first date.

India – sex always and everywhere

In this country, sex is a priority everywhere and always. The people of this country are convinced that sex is the way to God, so it is necessary to make love for a long time and with satisfaction. True, preference is not given to casual relationships, but to sex with a loved one.

United Arab Emirates – fine for kissing

The rules of conduct in public places here are extremely strict. For example, a kiss in a public place can result in a substantial fine. You will also be penalized if you want to bring movies and magazines depicting naked women into this country.


In this country, a man is forbidden to indulge in the joys of love with a woman and her daughter at the same time.

Countries where zoophilia is legal

In Lebanon, men are officially allowed to have sex with animals. The only condition is that the animal must be a female.

According to the book Useless Sexual Trivia: Tastefully Prurient Facts About Everyone’s Favorite Subject , a person could once be shot in Krakow if he had sex with an animal – but only if this was done for the third time. The official sentence in Poland is now more reasonable: a three-year prison sentence and a donation to an animal shelter. As of 2015, Hungary, Finland and Romania are the only EU countries where zoophilia is legal.

Singapore – nudity at the window

sex laws singapore

In this country, being naked in front of a window is illegal . If you are naked in a private place that is visible to everyone (this also applies to standing by your window), you may be fined. According to the Singaporean government, “a naked person is a person who is dressed in a way that violates public decency or order”, so underwear and bikinis may not be allowed either.

Bahraini gynecologists must not touch a woman’s genitals

In this country, gynecologists, if they are men, are prohibited from directly examining patients. The doctor should perform an examination by looking at the genitals in the mirror.

Guam – professional robbers of innocence

There is a law in the US owned by the Pacific that prohibits girls from marrying without sexual experience. That is why deflorator services are popular in this country – a specialist who helps girls get rid of innocence for money.

Hong Kong – Killing of unfaithful men

If the husband has been unfaithful, the wife may kill her husband. The hook is that she can only do it with her bare hands, without aids.


In this country, parents are responsible for the ‘accidental’ sexual intercourse of a minor daughter. If the girl is not yet eighteen, her parents can be sentenced to three years of community service.

Sweden – nudity in photo booths

sex laws sweden

Although bare-top photography is allowed in Swedish publicly available photo booths, full bare-top photography is prohibited.

Israel – no pornography

A law passed several years ago bans the viewing of pornographic films on cable and satellite television.

Uganda – pornography detection machine

In 2014, the Ugandan parliament passed an anti-pornography bill and invested nearly $ 300,000 in a South Korean-made “pornography detection machine” to extort offenders. Captured and convicted will be imprisoned for 10 years. But here’s the hook: pornography isn’t just about movies and photos. It also includes audio recordings, erotic stories and erotic music.

Australia – just big breasts

There are rumors that Australia’s blacklist includes pornography sites with women with A-size breasts for fear of promoting pedophilia. Although it was previously reported that all material involving actresses with smaller breasts would be banned, it was later confirmed that the provision only applies to “publications containing offensive images or descriptions of persons who are or appear to be under the age of 18”. .

Indonesia – no complacency

Online rumors might suggest that the punishment for masturbating in Indonesia is almost a beheading, but that is not true. According to this source , the maximum sentence is 32 months in prison.

Alabama, USA – Illegal plastics

sex laws in alabama

In 1998, the Alabama Supreme Court banned the sale of “any device intended or marketed as being primarily intended to stimulate the human genitals”. Sex toys are also illegal in the Maldives, Thailand, India, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. If you are caught in plastic luggage in your luggage passing through Vietnam customs, you will be ordered to return it, but you can recover it when you leave the country.

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