Have you ever wondered what your favorite sex positions reveal about you? “Bed SOS” research reveals the most popular sex positions among couples. Almost one in two couples (42%) prefer the missionary position, and almost twice as many respondents prefer the partner-on-top position. A fifth of respondents (20%) prefer the “doggy style”, while the “cowgirl” position received only 8% of votes.
But according to sex and intimacy coach Juliet Karaman, the positions you choose can say a lot about you. A sex expert reveals the most popular sex positions and what they say about you.
Missionary sex position
This position is often chosen by shy and insecure people. This type of sex is more popular among women than men, and it allows the partner to take the lead.
Doggy style
Due to the intimate arrangement of the partners, this position gives less intimacy and connection because there is no eye contact. It provides deep penetration and pleasure for men, although it may not be one of the most comfortable positions for women. The doggy style is the most popular among men, as it allows to fantasize and not look your partner in the eyes, says a sex expert.
Missionary sex position with woman on top
The missionary position is very intimate, allowing the couple to kiss and make eye contact. If you like your partner to be on bottom, it’s safe to say that you’re not afraid to take control.
Cowgirl sex position
This position is very visually appealing to men as they can look up and see all the glory of their partner. It can also be very pleasurable for women, as this position allows you to control clitoral stimulation. If you prefer this position, it’s safe to say that you feel good about your body and trust your partner.