
Tricks that will turn your sex into a very hot game

There is so much instructive literature on how to make your life happy, how to attract wealth, or how to stay healthy. But do you know how to spark your sexual experience with the power of thought? Here are five simple tricks that will create a storm of passion in your brain, because, as we know, sex starts in the head (at least for women)!

Friendly reminder – you love sex!

“In order to enjoy sex, we must always keep in mind one thing – we like it! You have to be able to admit that you enjoy sex and you want it, not do it, because someone else needs it or you want to go to bed sooner,” says psychologist Tammy Nelson in her book “Getting the Sex You Want.”

Just as you like red high-heeled shoes, special scents, torn jeans, cherry muffins, dark blue dishes – you have to remind your mind every moment that the word “sex” is on this list – and it ranks quite high!

“No matter what information you “feed” your mind with, your brain will accept it and respond to that desire,” Nelson said. “So remember that sex is fun, you look great and your partner you like is great too!”

Don’t be afraid to think dirty!

You don’t need talk and guidance on what good sex is. “A simple mantra will help you disconnect from everything around you connect with IT! Yes, to do it dirty,” says sexologist Sari Locker in her book “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amazing Sex”.

A thought that needs to be repeated before sex: this is my time of pleasure!

Often, fantasies can help, which start to appear in women’s head while making love. This is normal and even desirable!

If you want to reach orgasm faster or feel it stronger – such fantasies (especially dirty) are especially useful!

Triki, kas mīlēšanos pārvērtīs īpaši karstā spēlītē

Look with eyes wide shut….

Yes, women often love to have sex with their eyes closed… Maybe this is how they feel touches and smells? Maybe they are a little shy too? Or maybe they only see with their eyes closed what they want to see right now?

However, ladies, sexologists do not condemn it and even encourage you to fantasize further. “It’s exciting to imagine yourself at the time of an orgasm – what your sexy bite on the lower lip, curls of hair on the pillow, blush on the cheeks, passionate nipples look like,” says psychologist Tammy Nelson. “Look at yourself with your eyes closed – through your mind!”

Music that reminds

“Selected music for a special moment is always important! Believe me, if a woman hears Frank Sinatra or something from Beyoncé’s repertoire, she will feel a greater desire to make love than if there is TV in the background or radio news,” says sexologist Sari Locker.

Often, when we hear a song, we immediately imagine what it would be like to have sex with it. So why just think if it can be done?

Triki, kas mīlēšanos pārvērtīs īpaši karstā spēlītē


As sexologists emphasize, smell is very important during sex. If your partner smells bad, you may not enjoy it. Also, if your partner is sweaty or just smells – your libido will drop.

The same goes for brushing your teeth in the morning – morning sex will be much better if you rinse your mouth and your breath is fresh!

How to fool the mind? Perfume the sheets with your desired aroma, smoke a pleasant incense or light a candle with the smell that excites you.

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