We’re not afraid to talk about sex. Sex is as much a part of our lives as food or sleep. And, in my opinion, the times have come when it is not worth pretending that it is not. But this time I want to talk about the fact that there is no sex.
Among my friends and acquaintances, conversations about various topics tend to arise. For example, once some girl openly began to tell that she, a young, healthy, married woman, loves her husband very much, but… I quote, “I don’t want him anymore”.
She doesn’t want other men either, it’s just that there are more interesting and fun activities in this woman’s life than sex. She was very nervous when she spoke, thinking that she was abnormal, maybe even frigid.
After the conversation, I looked deeper into this problem and came across the reality, that is, women who all agreed that they were experiencing exactly the same feelings. Hundreds of women admit that they no longer feel passion for their men.
They are not interested in sex
Why does this happen? It might seem that the answer is simple – the relationship of these women are struggling, the partners are no longer interested in each other. But it’s not like that at all. All women admitted that they love their husbands very much and do not even think about divorce. All of them blame themselves that they no longer feel passion for their husbands and admit that they don’t know what to do.
Almost all of them admitted that they make love to their husbands out of pity, because “how will he, poor man, be without sex at all now?”
Men, do you suspect that almost half of you are receiving “pity” sex? I say “almost half” because statistics show that almost 50 percent of women experience a decrease in libido during marriage or long-term relationships.
I tried to find out the reasons – there were many of them. Children, tiredness, stress at work, dissatisfaction with body, dissatisfaction with husband’s body, routine, bored in a same-sex relationship, a good book is more interesting, etc.
There were also rarer but more interesting excuses: “my husband’s mouth smells bad”, “sex with him is so dirty that I have to wash for at least an hour after it”, “watching porn makes me reach orgasm faster”, “I’m too lazy to make love, sex takes a long time, it requires a lot of energy, I orgasm quickly and easily alone” or even “I don’t need sex at all, I think it’s an overblown field” and “I’m not some kind of whore who gets fucked every day” .
What to do?
In some cases (especially the last two) there is NOTHING you can do. Unless you want to divorce and look more carefully for a sexually compatible partner.
Other cases are not so desperate. Sometimes avoiding sex is a temporary phase of the relationship, which, when the situation improves (children grow up, shape improve, stressful problems are resolved, husband fixes his teeth), brings passions back into the family. But things are rarely that simple.
As women, our passion is not only physical, but also psychological, which means that it mostly depends on the man who is next to us.
Generally speaking, if you have a lazy creature living next to you, who does not give compliments, who does not want to do anything together and with whom there is nothing to talk about – it is no wonder that you don’t want them.
Yes, we women still love you because we fell in love with the beautiful and muscular. We remember how you took us on dates and gave us flowers. We love you and still believe that the original version of you will come back, but our bodies can’t lie to themselves and suddenly realize that watching a good movie will be much more enjoyable than tickling your prostate.
Therefore, if the woman in your house “often has a headache” or she has started to postpone sex, darling, it’s very likely that it is time to sit down and have a frank talk with your woman about what she is missing.
I’m not saying that it will work out the first time – admitting that you no longer want your husband is very difficult. But if both parties do nothing, it will be like that joke where sex is very good, but New Year’s is more often.