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105 05.22.2023 22:01

Vēlies nolaist tvaiku? Tikai Klasika minets un kuni. 50€ par tikšanos līdz 40 minūtēm, vari beigt 2x. Citu piedāvājumu nav. Klasika un minets ar prezervatīvu. Nerunāju krieviski. Tiekos tikai pie sevis, Dārzciemā. Bilde mana. Nezvani, raksti Whatsapp.

Wanna let off some steam? Only classic, cunni, bj. 50€ for a meeting of up to 40 minutes, you can cum 2x. No other offers. Classic and bj with condom. I don\’t speak Russian. I only meet at my place. Photo mine. Do not call, message on Whatsapp.

Vēlies nolaist tvaiku? Tikai Klasika minets un kuni. 50€ par tikšanos līdz 40 minūtēm, vari beigt 2x. Citu piedāvājumu nav. Klasika un minets ar prezervatīvu. Nerunāju krieviski. Tiekos tikai pie sevis, Dārzciemā. Bilde mana. Nezvani, raksti Whatsapp.

Wanna let off some steam? Only classic, cunni, bj. 50€ for a meeting of up to 40 minutes, you can cum 2x. No other offers. Classic and bj with condom. I don\’t speak Russian. I only meet at my place. Photo mine. Do not call, message on Whatsapp.

  • Age:28
  • Length:
  • Weight:
  • Location:Rīga

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VIP status service price:


The service is available to LMT, Tele 2 and Bite subscribers.

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