“This is a story about how the truth always comes out. Maybe it’s a lesson, or maybe it’s just a bitter experience. I won’t talk about how sorry I am or how bad I look to others. I don’t regret it, never have. I was a married woman, but parallel to my marriage I had a love affair. Not because I didn’t love my husband – it was just more fun for me to live like this. I am a passionate woman, and life without passion was very boring to me.
We got married young, so it is not surprising that over time the passion faded and we became uninterested in each other.
The relationship with my husband was good, we understood each other, we did not argue. But we always lacked passion. My husband had lower libudo than I have, so over time I just adjusted to his pace and style.
Unplanned, I met a man who was very nice. It was interesting to communicate with him. And the sex was unreal. When I first slept with him, I wondered where he had been all my life. I had never experienced such a feeling with my spouse.
I hid my love affair for about half a year. I didn’t want to break up the family because of one or two mistakes.
I still remember one time with my lover. After work, I had to go to the theater with my husband. But shortly before leaving work, I met my lover. Suddenly we had such a strong lust. We started kissing and touching each other like crazy. Suddenly, in the vortex of passion, I heard a cracking sound, as if something had broken.
After all that had happened, I noticed that he had torn my underwear. Since I had to hurry, I put my underwear in a bag and rushed to my husband.
Late in the evening, when we were already home, I went to the shower and threw the torn underwear in the trash.
When I returned from the shower, my husband was waiting for me with my torn underwear in his hands. Questions were asked, conflict broke out. Of course, at that moment the whole truth came out. It turned out that he had already suspected my love affair for some time, he just kept silent and didn’t tell me anything.
If it hadn’t been for that one mishap, he might never have confirmed his suspicions. I haven’t seen my lover since that night. My husband and I broke up because he could not forgive and understand my betrayal.”