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Irresistible passion. A story of experience

Irresistible passion… have you ever experienced it? That real, uncontrollable passion? Have you ever lusted after someone madly and recklessly? So here I am…

It happened a few years ago. I had just started a new job at one of the travel agencies. The team was very pleasant, although mostly women. We were 8 girls and the oldest of us was not even 24 years old. We were young and active, so we started communicating a lot. Often our whole team went to the cinema, cafes and clubs together.

Besides us, 8 young women, there was director Andrea and security guy Arthur. Arthur was a menacing mountain of muscle but with deep and gentle eyes. We girls were all in love with him. He was manly, solid, and generally awesome. Everything went well for a whole month until one day He appeared at the door…


He slowly crossed the threshold, shook Arthur’s hand, winked at all the girls, kissed some on the cheek. He was our and Andrea’s main boss.

– And these must be our new employees, right? – he asked, nodding towards me and 2 other girls.

– Yes, but they are not quite new anymore. The girls have been working here for a month. Olivia is here, Amelia is here, and Dana is here – explained Andrea, waving at me.

He kissed each hand as he introduced himself. I still remember the moment he leaned down and his warm, soft lips touched my hand.

– Robert, – he introduced himself, looking at me from under his eyebrows.

I just nodded and smiled. Because I couldn’t say anything else. If someone were to say now that I fell in love with him at first sight, they would be wrong. No, I never loved him. I don’t even know how to name what I felt. It was probably simple irresistible passion.


I wanted him like I had never wanted a man in my life. Just seeing him brought thousands of the most dirty fantasies to my head. He was on vacation all this month and now I had to work knowing he was sitting right next to me in the office. I couldn’t concentrate on work. And I still don’t know what it was. Why did I felt such a passion for him?

After all, there was nothing unusual about him. A dark-haired man of medium height and medium build. Only the devil knows what was going through my mind at that time. In the first few days, I could not say a word, but later the relationship started to warm up. He was a talkative person and knew how to find a way to everyone’s heart. And, even more so – way to all the women’s hearts. He seemed to know what every woman wanted.

– Olivia, your advertisement is simply great! You have really proven yourself, – he said in the voice of an absolute angel.

Thanks to his praise, the girls were ready to work day and night. And I really knew that almost all of us were in love with him. And in a way I understood them.

– Amelia, I spoke with the director today, she liked your offer for the new route, and asked you to come to her tomorrow, – he continued.

He approached them all. I sat alone and tried to pretend I was working. But in reality, in my wildest fantasies, I made love to him – tenderly, passionately, madly. I kissed every inch of his body, giving myself completely to the passion.

My fantasies were interrupted by his soft voice:

– Dana, you are literally shining today.

I looked up and met his deep, almost undressing gaze. I shuddered. He seemed to know exactly what I was thinking and feeling.

– Thank you, Robert, you are very kind.

– Dana, I’d like to see your ideas. Could you bring them to me in a few minutes?

– Of course.

He smiled one of his most seductive smiles and slowly made his way to his office.

I grabbed the mirror and began to examine myself carefully. I fixed my hair, applied lipstick, checked my face. I was nervous, but gathered all my strength, took the folder with drafts and, taking a deep breath, opened the door to his office.

– Robert, may I come in?

– Of course, Dana, – he smiled.

He studied my scribbles carefully for some time.

– Dana, listen, I have some comments and additions.

I bent down, put my hand on the table and tried to concentrate on what he was telling me. His face was very close. His lips seemed destined only for kisses. I desperately wanted to throw those papers aside and just make love to him right on the table. The desire was uncontrollable and ready to burst at any moment. These feelings were foreign to me – wild and unfamiliar, because by nature I am quite a calm and reserved girl. And out of nowhere they fell right on my head, awakening a passionate side in me that I only suspected existed.

He stopped criticizing my notes and smiled.

– I hope one work day is enough for you to improve them?

– Of course.

– Well, that’s great, – he looked, as I thought at the time, like some wild animal. He handed me my folder. I reached out and our fingers touched for a moment. Electricity seemed to run from my fingertips to my hair. I felt my cheeks blush. So I smiled and left the office, feeling the look of his eyes behind me.


After that day we exchanged half-looks, half-phrases and half-hints for quite a long time. But in the end everything was determined by a coincidence.

One evening it happened that I stayed longer in the office. Not on purpose, but because I was so focused on work that I didn’t even notice how it was getting dark outside. I would sit like that for a long time if it were not for his voice:

– Dana?

I didn’t immediately understand what was happening. I looked up and saw Him.

– Dana, why are you still here? It’s late. The work ended 2 hours ago.

I looked at the clock and was surprised. Although it was spring outside, it got dark early.

– Oh, I was focused on work. The new project is quite exciting.

Robert smiled excitedly. At times like these he looked like a Cheshire cat.

– Can I take you home?

– Yes thank you. I would be very grateful.


We drove in silence. The house was not far, so we reached it in 7 minutes. The city roads were almost empty at that time. When we pulled up to the yard, he gallantly opened my door.

– It turns out that we live in the same direction. So if you ever stay longer, I’ll be happy to take you.

In the dim lantern light, he was stunningly beautiful. And suddenly I realized that if I don’t take a step now, I never will. I stood an arm’s length away from him and stared into his eyes in silence for a few seconds. When I noticed a spark in them, I realized that there was no point in waiting for another opportunity.


Suddenly it seemed that all the feelings were mutual. We leaned forward for just a second and were already in each other’s arms. I will remember this moment forever. His soft lips enveloped mine in a long, wet and hot kiss. His hands roamed all over my body, but kept within certain limits.

– Robert… – I whispered when he stopped.

– Don’t say anything… – he said, breathing heavily.

And we started kissing passionately again. I guess I had never put so much emotion into a kiss in my life. He locked the car and we left together. I live alone, so the apartment served our passion all night. We seemed to feel and act like crazy teenagers. We kissed in the elevator, caressed each other while standing in the stairwell, kissed when I tried to open the door. I felt with my whole body that his desire was no less than mine.


As soon as the door closed, we immediately stopped competing. A moment later, our belongings and clothes were already on the floor. Before we even got to the bed, we fell on the carpet in the living room. I remember his hot breath on my skin, his passionate kisses, his greedy hands. I devoted myself to him. It didn’t matter what I looked like anymore. I moaned without restraint, without shame, without fear that the neighbors would hear. I shamelessly whispered my lewdest thoughts into his ear. Our first time was quick, but filled with the hottest fire.

I didn’t understand what was happening, all that mattered to me were these moments, his kisses and caresses. And I didn’t need anything else. We made love all night. All this time we didn’t say a word to each other, we just enjoyed each other and the unique night. Words were not needed here. The bodies spoke for us.

The expression of our passion was diverse. Sometimes he was passionate and harsh, sometimes romantic and gentle. I got to know them all that night and none of his characters failed me. It was a feeling of total satisfaction that I had never experienced before.


After what happened, we stopped shying away from each other. We made love everywhere. In his office, in the car, in the elevator, in the toilet, in the meeting room, locking the door. Wherever there was an irresistible desire for intimacy.

Did someone blamed me for that? Yes, maybe. Later I found out that he has a fiancée. But at that point I didn’t care. All people dream of crazy love and happiness, because it is wonderful. But it was this passion that just came over me that was the most vivid experience of my life. I don’t know if many have experienced the feeling that there are no more thoughts in their heads, except for insatiable, insane and reckless lust. Of course, this relationship did not last long. A month later he got married.


I met him before the wedding. I wanted to tell him that I would live in another city, but I didn’t. He slammed the door and we surrendered again to a passion that was stronger than us. And at that moment I was not at all ashamed of making love to a taken man whose wedding was to take place in a few days.

Of course, it would be silly to say that I didn’t care at all that he was getting married. Somewhere deep inside I felt uncomfortable. Maybe it even hurt? And probably, like any girl, I wanted to be in the place of his future wife. But I wasn’t going to destroy someone else’s love. Besides, I could see very well that I had no chance. He was passionate, he wanted me, but it was just passion, and maybe that’s why I decided to leave. Let it all be remembered. Also, a long time ago, a friend called me with a great job offer. So the decision was easy to make.

My plane took off on his wedding day. He was a wonderful lover and I have only the fondest memories of him. He was a bright spark in my already boring life.

I heard that they divorced after a year. He had a lover. Ironically. I was not surprised. Irresistible passion was always stronger than him. No, he didn’t need love, he just loved women and was an impulsive man. He was fully aware that he was the center of the universe. Maybe that’s why women loved him so much.

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