
13 easy bondage techniques for BDSM lovers

There is something undeniably exciting about bodage and the art of BDSM. Not only does it allow you to enjoy the elements of dominance and submission, but it also evokes strong emotions. It takes tremendous trust and confidence in each other to enjoy it. These reasons help explain why so many people fantasize about BDSM. It turns out that almost everyone, or more precisely, 93% of men and 96% of women, fantasize about it.

What are the best ways to use submission in sex? If you are interested in BDSM positions, you may have heard of Shibari, a type of bonding that originates in Japan.

But before we continue, security and the consent of all partners involved comes first! If you have never tried Shibari, consider attending a course or individual lesson with a professional. And there are some things you should never do, such as tie a rope around neck. This can cause suffocation.

Then let’s begine! Let’s look at 13 bondage sex positions that you can try with your partner. (You’ll notice that the first “position” is actually a standard Shibari knot that will be involved in subsequent positions).

Double collumn

rope bondage sex positions

All you will need to do some BDSM is a simple handcuffe knot. This is called a “double column” – two loops around two “columns” (legs or arms) that will not open or tighten.

In any knot, especially around the wrist, it is important to make sure that there is enough space between the skin and the rope and that the knot cannot tighten. Otherwise, it may block the blood flow or cause nerve damage.

To create this knot, place the wrists a few centimeters apart and then wrap a rope around them. Tie two knots in place between the wrists. (To make it easier to understand, watch this 2-minute YouTube tutorial on how to create a double-column node).


bondage sex positions

This is a Shibari classic with a wide variety. Initially, you will need one or two long ropes – 7.5 to 9 meters. Tie your partners’ hands behind the back. Use the remaining rope and wrap it around arms and body. First above the chest, then below them. (You will find video tutorial here).

Tied un doggy

rope bondage sex positions

Place your partner on knees so that his/her chest is pressed against the floor or bed. Arms have to be placed near the ankles as shown in the picture. If it puts too much strain on your partners’ neck, place a pillow under his/her chest.


bondage sex positions

Fold your partners’ legs and tie the thighs and ankles together using a not-too-tight two-column knot. If desired, also tie the wrists to the thighs. This posture provides “sexual vulnerability” and “access to every detail”, making it a great option for both giving and receiving oral pleasure.

Puppy style

bondage sex positions

In this position, the ankles are tied to the stick – be sure to use something that won’t give anyone splinters – a PVC pipe or even a long broomstick could be useful here. The hands are also tied. In this position, the tied one will feel particularly vulnerable.


rope bondage sex positions

Ask your partner to lie on the stomach. Tie their ankles and hands behind the back. Then tie them together. This posture is not suitable for classic penetration, but it is perfect for oral sex and it sets the mood for a BDSM-type session. Don’t forget that this position can put a lot of strain on your back and shoulders, so make sure the other person feels comfortable.

Sexy spoon

bondage sex positions

Lay your partner on one side and tie her wrists together. Tie the left ankle to the right thigh. Then tie the left thigh above the left elbow joint. Make sure the knots are not too tight. In this position, the body looks great and it will be suitable for sex from behind.

Interrogation chair

rope bondage sex positions

Have your partner sit in a chair and tie his/her ankles to each chair leg and hands to the back of chair. This position is perfect for giving/receiving oral pleasure or using sex toys.

Reverse chair

rope bondage sex positions

Ask your partner to sit on the chair so that their buttocks are just off the edge of the seat and their chest rests against the back of the seat. Tie their ankles to the legs of the chair and wrists behind his back. This position is perfect for anal play.


rope bondage sex positions

Ask your partner to lie on their back on the bed and tie their wrists and ankles to each corner of the bed. Put on an eye mask for extra flavor. If you are new to BDSM, this is a great position to start with. It’s easy to tie and it’s not particularly tiring.


rope bondage sex positions

Make your partner lie on their back on the bed. Tie each ankle to each corner at the top of the bed, lifting their legs as high as comfortable. If it’s too hard, tie the thighs instead of the ankles so that the legs can be bent at knee level.

Spreaded legs

bondage sex positions

With your lover on their back, place a pole under their ankle just above their heels. Tie each wrist and ankle to a pole and make sure the knots are not too tight. This position provides full access to all parts of their body.

Group Project

rope bondage sex positions

Have your partners stand face-to-face with their arms around each other. Tie the wrists of both partners. The third person can settle in more comfortably and watch their partners’ activities, or work with one partner while the other has to watch and wait for their turn.

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