
Oral sex – the best poses for a woman’s pleasure

Oral sex

What is great foreplay without different variations of oral sex? Oral sex is a very creative form of foreplay, which, of course, is not limited to 69 poses. If you are one of the followers of oral pleasure in terms of delivery, you should definitely get acquainted with the 3 best oral sex poses, created especially to satisfy a woman’s pleasure boxes. Who knows, maybe tonight is the right time to let your tongue come out? She will definitely appreciate it!

Allows the partner to take precedence

Although the poses listed in this article are for the pleasure of the fair sex, this does not mean that ladies are allowed to fall on the couch with their legs open and wait for the wonders of the blue sky. On the contrary – allowing your partner to take on the role of leader – puts her in control! The more control the ladies have, the higher the pleasure peaks will be – she knows perfectly well what movements are needed to achieve a screaming orgasm!

Lie on a comfortable surface (sofa, bed, or mattress) and invite your loved one to “sit down” on your face. In this case, “sitting down” does not mean hampering your breathing process – it explains to your partner that her thighs should be gently pressed into your cheeks, while the lady’s female organs should be slightly above your mouth. This is the ideal height of the vagina, which will allow your loved one to fully control the situation and guide the movement of your tongue to the right place at the moment.

A combination of oral sex and “dog” posture

Oral sex in doggy style

If your chosen partner is quite anxious to use the so-called “dog” posture in the context of traditional sex, advise her to try this sensual formation during oral sex as well. Ask your loved one to stand on all fours and start with gentle kisses on her back until she reaches her partner’s most sensitive area. This posture is especially successful because it allows you, as a provider of oral pleasure, to stimulate the lady’s flushed breasts with one hand.

Being on all fours, your partner’s vagina will have a particularly attractive look, which will allow you to look deeper and pay undivided attention to your beloved’s little labia.

Meet – entangle

Let’s take a look at what we consider to be the most beneficial oral pleasure posture, namely, give and receive at the same time! If swirling your tongue along your loved one’s slightly salty lips causes you a clear wave of arousal, make your partner get involved and give you pleasure too!

What can be done to make such a seemingly boring 69 position more exciting? Swap places! The beloved location at the bottom will allow you to vary the depth of penetration of your member into your partner’s mouth, but at the top you will be able to vary more comfortably with all possible combinations of tongue revolutions. The perfect outcome for the evening is guaranteed!

Did you know that oral sex is also possible alone?

Exactly! If it so happens that you have to spend some time apart, advise your loved one to make up with sex toys specially made for oral pleasure. Such pleasure tools are available to both female and male audiences and will perfectly mimic the tongue or juicy lip trains. A great gift for oral pleasure enthusiasts!

Oral sex alone
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