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I’m shure that working in the sex industry is my calling: 5 stories about how women get into it

Confessions of intimate service providers, apparently, can find answers to the question of how people come to the step, get involved in the sex industry, where to look for clients and what to become after such drastic changes.

Story No. 1

When I was 15, I lived with my family, but the atmosphere at home was like a nightmare. I wanted to earn money and start an independent life as soon as possible. I grew up in the Bronx (an area of New York with a bad reputation). Most of my friends were older than me. They introduced me to it. We were taken to various bars whose owners paid a fixed hourly rate for the time we spent there. If strangers paid for our cocktails, the reward went up.

I looked at such activities as a kind of entertainment. To be honest, I didn’t think I was a prostitute, although I sometimes agreed to fulfill men’s fantasies, so I basically made a living with my body. I think this was the first step towards a systematic surrender to finding clients who can pay for sex. I worked as a go-go dancer for a while, and by the time I was in the senior classes, I was already supported by older fans.

“Now, looking back and thinking about the work, I somehow started to understand that the sex industry is nothing more than our society as a whole. Likewise, someone will always treat you like a sex object, whether you like it or not.”

I have also worked on camera, I have tried role playing games, I have provided escort services. I am shure that being in the sex industry is my calling.

I believe the sex industry should be decriminalized, although I don’t think it should be legalized. I would hate for the government to have the power to decide what I can do with my body. Working in this industry allows us to remain independent (obviously because we do it voluntarily and not by force).

I'm shure that working in the sex industry is my calling

Story No. 2

When I was a freshman, I was raped in the university dormitories. This event destroyed me. In order to regain the ground under my feet, which was slowly slipping away, and the ability to regain control over my life, I decided to take on an artistic project in which I gave myself the role of a dominatrix (a woman who takes the dominating role in BDSM sexual activities). So I took on the role of a woman who “kills” her classmates in front of the building where he raped me. Doing so made me feel strong and beautiful like never before. I enjoyed the knowledge that my nightmare was slowly turning into my power territory.

I’ve always been impressed by dominatrices in general. I looked up to them as goddesses. At first I took on their role just for fun. Everything changed when the other dominatrix women explained to me that the men I was having fun with were clients and therefore had to pay me. “Your acting is worth the money,” she said. And it has been almost a year since this is my profession.

Working in the sex industry forced me to change. I’m happy about that. The most important thing that my current job has helped me realize is that no one else has the right to decide how to use my body but myself.

As a dark-skinned woman, I often have to face manifestations of objectification and fetishization. However, it was only because I got into the sex industry that I was able to feel sexy again. And if someone wants to use me or my time, let them pay for it.

Of course, the sex industry has its downsides. For example, I get upset when other women want to shame me for what I do. They try to argue, to explain to me what they don’t like. They all resemble men trying to discuss feminist ideas. Why do they talk about what they do not understand at all?

strādāt seksa industrijā
I'm shure that working in the sex industry is my calling

Story No. 3

I got involved in the sex industry while still studying at university. I had to pay for education, housing and everything I needed for my studies (I studied fashion design). It is probably already clear that I needed money and a lot of it. I started selling my underwear online. Unfortunately, income continued to decline, and the choice of the sex industry seemed quite attractive.

I identify as non-binary (one who does not identify with one of the two traditional genders of male or female) because I have never tended to identify with my physical characteristics. That’s why online sex services are perfect for me.

This kind of work gives me pleasure – I like to communicate, contact people and sell my services in such a way that I do not face risk, but at the same time I am able to meet the needs of clients.

I think the beauty of the sex industry is that you can make your own rules and boundaries. I know a lot of people who do cam-work, sexting or selling their underwear for money.

The provision of sexual services covers much more areas than many imagine. It is possible to make up your own mind about fetishes and what seems acceptable, and to share your experiences with others. Communication doesn’t have to be all about sex. Clients can be found on various portals – Instagram, FetLife, Seeking Arrangements, Kiek, Twitter, Tumblr. Their ages range from college students to men in their seventies. I mostly sell underwear and engage in sexting, taking on the role of a virtual lover.

My clients include single guys, newly divorced men and even transgender people. As you can see, you have to work with different people and be in different niches. It’s amazing because I basically offer the same services, but each person is interested in them for their own reasons. The Internet can satisfy any desire, making it the perfect tool for those working in the sex industry.

Story No. 4

I knew very early on that I wanted to work in the sex industry. I started going to strip clubs when I was only 12-13 years old. I was always impressed by striptease dancers, so I was going to do something similar, only without allowing physical contact with other people. So I chose a cam-work. The work is similar to striptease, but everything happens on the Internet.

When I became a cam model, I became interested in fetishism and everything related to it. My work has everything. Customers sometimes even call me brownie. Sitting on a cake without panties and enjoying it sexually is also one of the sexual practices classified as fetishism. During virtual conversations, I often hear requests to sit on some objects to flatten them.

I’m interested in the balance between something really beautiful, delicate and clean and at the same time sexy and exciting. By doing this kind of work, I started to feel my body differently. I know every inch of it. I know exactly how I look because I spend most of my days in front of the camera. Working in the sex industry actually only helped to increase self-confidence, deepened the understanding of how to use your body when interacting with people. Now I know very well who I really am and I always try to be myself. I’m not trying to hide or embellish anything. Honestly, since being in the sex industry became my day job, I haven’t met any of my clients in real life.

darbs seksa industrijā

Story No. 5

I find clients in nightclubs. I usually go to the tables where top-class French champagne is standing or ask the waiters to show the most generous orders of the guests and choose the table with the biggest bill.

The lives of sex workers can be very varied. For example, I am surrounded by glamor – designer handbags, trips in the most luxurious cars (I never use public transport). I manage to get what I want. And get it fast.

Since we are perceived as a fantasy, it is not worth taking anything to heart. I get paid and I make their dreams come true. This image is especially impressive for wealthy older men and people looking for escort services. The more pronounced the ethnic features, the more beautiful the figure and face, the greater the demand. Of course, you have to know how to use it.

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