Many women who have a regular sex life often ask themselves, why can’t they fully enjoy making love, have real pleasure, or become a partner for the best woman in their life? Let’s look at what are the key mistakes in sex , which allows women, and which, when repeated over and over again, can disrupt even the happiest relationships.
Turning sex into a part of everyday life
Couples who have been together for a long time, the romantic feelings of sex that were in the beginning, gradually disappear. And it’s not just because partners are tired of each other or oversaturated, more often the main reason is the perception of sex as a part of everyday life. “Dinner, shower, sex” is a part of the schedule, but making love is a sensual and deeply emotional process.
Sexual blackmail
Women often use sex for mercantile purposes, including as a means of blackmail. “If you don’t come back from the party in time / don’t put on the shelf / don’t buy new boots – there will be no sex” – such arguments can often be heard from women’s lips. But sooner or later similar statements lead to an undesirable result and the bed remains empty and cold.
Separation from other relationships
Sex is not just a physical process. It is part of the whole spectrum of relationships – friendship, love, understanding, interests and so on. It is a common mistake of women to separate intimate intimacy with a loved one from this relationship.
Complex “I’m terrible”
Of course, we are not perfect, everyone has flaws in appearance. But when you constantly emphasize during love that something is wrong with you, you spoil the atmosphere and you cannot relax enough to receive and give pleasure.

Complex “I’m a good girl”
Intimate life is therefore already intimate, that it should not be discussed and, even more so, condemned. Only you and your partner, when you are alone, can determine what is allowed and its limits. However, women often believe that some activities in bed are signs of depravity and are unique to ladies of a certain reputation. The thought that “it’s not appropriate” completely ruins your two sex lives.
Rejection of partner’s wishes and proposals
Often during sex, a man gives a hint or openly tells about his wishes in sex, but receives a strict rejection from the woman. Even if you find something disgusting and you don’t want to do certain things, try to choose the right words or offer a compromise. For example, “Beloved, I don’t want to do this, but we can try.” However, such findings can negatively affect sexual life in general.

Silence, not showing emotions
Don’t shut up! And it’s not just about loud moaning like in adult movies. It is important for a man to hear and understand your condition, feel emotions, see the reaction to his movements and actions. The same goes for not having to endure if you are uncomfortable, painful, discomfort. The task of sex is pleasure!
An untidy woman
It is unlikely that a woman who has forgotten to take care of herself will be able to enjoy sex. After all, to enjoy the process, you should enjoy both the partner and yourself. In addition, it’s always nice to hear compliments, and if you’ve forgotten to shave your armpits, haven’t washed your hair for a long time, or walked in stretched training pants, the number of nice words will drop rapidly.
“To be like everyone else”
Quite often women have sex in spite of desire and common sense just because “everyone does.” Of course, there are statistics and girlfriends’ stories about their “achievements”, but it is so generalized or, on the contrary, subjective, because each case is individual. Feeling in bed with each because of what “it does” – a very serious mistake.
Past mistakes
The sexual experience is not always positive. Sometimes you don’t even want to remember a few moments – complete frustration. When building an intimate relationship with a new partner, there is no point in thinking immediately about your past failures and resentments. That’s what was – to stay behind, and now you should enjoy something new and beautiful.

“It’s been better!” – such thoughts are visited by women after not the most successful nights. But to compare different men – an absolutely pointless occupation: someone better in one thing, someone in another. “Bring it to bed,” all the relationships of the past, even if some of them have only fond memories, are not worth it.
Excessive chatter
Don’t talk too much. Yes, expressing your wishes and emotions is very important and necessary, but there is no point in having an extensive dialogue during sex. Hardly a man is ready to discuss your new dress, problems at work, and a girlfriend’s husband when it comes to a completely different aspect of life. Also, you shouldn’t over-comment on what’s going on or play pleasure if you don’t really feel that way.
Wrong choice
Many women who think in stereotypes are convinced that, for example, if a man is older, he is more likely to be more experienced. Or, on the contrary, if he is young, he is more energetic than older men. Therefore, the wrong choice is made, followed by disappointment: when imagining an ideal scene, you end up facing a completely different reality that is far from your fantasies.

Acting against your wishes, beliefs
In order not to feel shame, regret and discomfort after sex, do not obey your partner, do not tolerate what you do not like, do not do what you do not want. Be faithful to your desires, principles, and emotions, because a man will most likely not want to do something that doesn’t give you pleasure.
Too early – too late
According to statistics, women start having sex at the age of about 17. But there are exceptions, and some do it much earlier, and some do so much later. In any case, it should be a voluntary will and decision. However, many women who tried to divorce more quickly at a young age suffer from the problem “too late” at a mature age, thus giving up many things. For example, they decide that in 35 years it is absolutely unacceptable to try something new because “it is too late”.