Where do men come from in a middle-aged crisis, and what do they really need? Let’s study the needs of men of different ages according to the principles of Maslow’s pyramid of needs. As we age, we change and our relationships with loved ones change. In fact, every man wants completely different things. Only one remains the same – all men want love.

20 years: “What a beauty! I want to get him and…. her girlfriend too! ”
When testosterone hormones flow almost from the ears, the young man takes care of one thing – suppresses his sexual appetite. Twenty years is a period when the oath of eternal trust evaporates very quickly. For guys, this is a time of shock, frustration, as well as a period of countless attempts to get to know a woman.
At this age, men see women as a textbook of geography: young women – unknown Central Asian countries, pristine beautiful forests, which are difficult to access. With a beautiful girl it is nice to appear in society, and she, most likely, is just beginning to gain experience in building relationships. It is with her that the risk of being compared to another is zero because she does not really know that it can be otherwise. However, when communicating with such beauties, the young person often burns, succumbs to melancholy, and understands that beauty is not the most important thing. Although to put up with it completely, do not want to. In such cases, of course, women control everything; in their hands is the most important thing that hot-blooded young people need – beauty and sex.

20-30 years: “Tell me about yourself or the period of real sex”
When the crazy hormone period ends, the idea that a woman without beauty also has a mind strengthens in a man’s mind. He is aware that a loved one can be a pleasant companion with a seductive look and life experience. Communication with a woman no longer develops according to the principle: “I am a beauty, and you do nothing”. Such a view is taken with contempt on the part of the beautiful sex because next to it we need not only a handsome man, but also an intelligent, faithful, and strong man. This moment of revaluation of life values (crisis) comes very painfully for some, along with fear and self-doubt. During this period, some become pronounced bachelors, others become adults and intelligent men.
Intimacy ceases to be an outstanding event, it becomes an act of mutual enjoyment. Casual sex no longer seems so exciting because of the need for psychological mood and emotional stimulation. Women also know some tricks and are aware of their sexuality, are able to formulate what is expected of a partner. Rarely is a woman so naive that she is unaware of men’s financial and time investment in building relationships. After all, the ambitions of both sexes grow along with the needs.
Why do men get married at this age? First, they are looking for stability and comfort. The main reason for marriage is always love and the desire to have a regular sexual partner. There is still so much to do: career development, financial improvement, and family support. It all takes a lot of time and effort to still look for overnight connections.

35-45 years: “Let’s try differently”
Unfortunately, most men admit that at this age home life remains boring, the wife loses the status of the most coveted woman in the world but becomes a close friend who will be with her forever. There is no need to fight or conquer anything anymore, so a man realizes his ambitions elsewhere.
At the same time, different thoughts arise in a man’s head – from breaking a relationship (at best, a voluntary choice) to various experiments in bed. But ideally – not in bed at all, because “sex in bed” becomes a process without shocks, the joy of fireworks, new feelings.
At this age, hormone levels go down irreversibly, and with it sexual desire. Women are usually expected to do a few things – more tolerance and less demanding.

45 – 55 years old: “Next time will be better, I promise”
The critical age when men look for new emotions to strengthen their social status, regardless of whether hormones continue to decline. At this point, they may have a well-founded concern about “masculinity” – the desire for sex is still there, but some effort is needed and they need to take more care of their health. The excuse that “age is just a number” loses its force because, after all, there are many factors that can negatively affect a man’s potency. In women, there is often a desire to see a best friend and ally, with the addition of intimacy. A man tries to become a person who already knows and understands everything: mood swings, frustration, humor, the desire to be alone and reflect on his success.
If a man decides to divorce at this age, he often realizes that this is the wrong decision, and he could return to his wife with a confession: I was wrong, I didn’t want to. But only a few take such a big step in despair because a quiet and peaceful life becomes a priority.

55 years and older: “Let’s do it the way you want”
Some men know how to carry their age with carefree ease until they realize the terrible reality – my 16 have long been behind the mountains and will never return. In front, you can see the path of the new decade, which is inhospitable and menacing. Now all the things you wanted so much – attention, care, romantic gestures, and a joint vacation – can surely be obtained. At this age, men begin to feel true happiness, about being able to bring joy to their wives. A kind of “atonement” for the sins of youth comes to the fore: for the pain inflicted, for jealousy, for betrayal. They seem to want to receive forgiveness of sins before they enter the men’s paradise. However, the fear of age is growing, and the eyes are looking for new and strong female bodies. God knows what they will do with these bodies, because years are no longer those like if we see an old man in a restaurant with a new model who looks like his daughter, then in this union everything is not so simple. One benefit is that such girls do not know how to curse with such terrible words: atherosclerosis or prostate because they are all unfamiliar with them.