
The best sex positions to get pregnant

Here is a myth-destroying truth: it has not been proven that any particular position increases the likelihood of pregnancy. The only thing that can help is that the sperm are as close as possible to the cervix, the duct that connects the vagina and uterus. One way to do this is to make sure that the penis is as deep as possible during intercourse. So what are the best sex positions to get pregnant?

Doggy style

Who doesn’t know this position. In fact, any position in which the penis enters the vagina as deeply as possible can help the sperm get as close to the cervix as possible and increase the chances of getting pregnant. The doggy style, when a woman is on all fours and a man enters her from behind, does just that.

Cat pose

Cat pose

In this position, the man must bend so that he can press as close to the woman as possible. Man should lower his hips so that the woman’s pubic bone rubs against the root of his penis. According to the Redbook, cat position stimulates the clitoris, effectively helping a woman reach orgasm and get pregnant.


Sex pose - butterfly

Are you ready to spread your wings… or legs? Lie on your back with your hips right on the edge of the bed. Put your ankles on his shoulders and have him hold your hips up as he enters you, lifting your hips slightly against the ceiling and giving him better access to your G-spot.


The best sex pose to get pregnant: tricks for women Sex position- scissors

All you have to do is lie on your back and let your man do the rest: make him kneel at the bed in front of you and keep your legs in a V-shape. He can choose to open or close your legs like scissors, creating feelings that are hard to top.

The most comfortable position for you

The situation itself is not as important as how both of you feel. For example, some studies have shown that longer foreplay and greater sexual arousal increases sperm count. So to speak, the more exciting the sex, the greater the fertility.

Some studies show that the chance of pregnancy increases if a woman reaches orgasm immediately before, during or shortly after ejaculation. Thus, position that allow a woman to additionally simulate her clitoris may be more favorable for pregnancy.

Researchers have also considered the potential biological purpose of oral sex for reproduction. Both humans and some animals have oral sex that has little to do with reproduction. However, they have found that it increases the amount of semen that is formed later during intercourse.

The best sex positions to get pregnant: tricks for women

When is the best time to make love?

The best time to become pregnant is the most fertile time of your menstrual cycle. The National Medical Library states that it is five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation itself. If you have sex on these days it is more likely to become pregnant.

During ovulation, the ovary secretes a mature egg. This egg travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. During sex, the sperm meet with the egg and fertilize it. Sperm in a woman can survive for about five days. So if both of you are aiming for pregnancy, there have to be live semen in your fallopian tube during ovulation.

How do you know if ovulation is happening? One way is to count the days of your cycle. Create your own menstrual calendar or use the app on your smart device. Each cycle begins on the first day of your period and ends the day before your next period. Look for the middle of your cycle – if your cycle is 28 days, ovulation will usually be around the 14th day.

However, not all women ovulate in the middle of the cycle. If you have difficulty conceiving and suspect that ovulation may be sooner or later in your cycle, talk to your doctor about another method to confirm ovulation. You can also try to observe the following signs of ovulation:

  • Changes in vaginal discharge. When ovulation occurs, the mucus secreted becomes clear and thick, about the consistency of an egg white.
  • You can also buy an over-the-counter ovulation test that is sold in pharmacies. These tests look for hormonal changes in the urine and can help you know when ovulation is most likely.
  • Elevated basal body temperature (BBD). After ovulation, the body temperature will slightly rise. BBD can be measured before getting up in the morning. True, this will only show that ovulation has already taken place. However, if you monitor your temperature over several cycles, you will be able to see retrospectively on which day of the cycle you are ovulating.

best sex positions to get pregnant

Other tips

  • Lift your hips. Sometimes it can help if you lift your hips, which can be done by putting pillow under your hips. In this way, the woman’s cervix will be exposed to as much sperm as the man is able to release.
  • Orgasm. Finally, although it has nothing to do with sex positions, there are studies that show that a woman’s orgasm is important during conceiving.

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