
Oral sex

If you are satisfied:

During oral sex, the partner’s saliva dissolves the layer of fat and disrupts the normal microflora of the mucous membranes of the genitals – the biological protective layer of the mucous membrane is destroyed. The mucous membrane becomes easily traumatized and microtraumas occur. These microtraumas can be a gateway to infections such as syphilis, herpes virus, and hepatitis B and C (jaundice).

Saliva levels of the HIV virus are low to cause infection. During prolonged oral sex, bleeding microtraumas may occur on the lips, corners of the lips, or bleeding gums (especially if the teeth have been cleaned before contact). Microtraumas can also occur in the mucous membranes of the penis, labia, clitoris or anus. In this case, the risk of contracting HIV / AIDS increases significantly. The risk of becoming infected with HIV / STDs increases in proportion to the duration of sex – the longer the contact, the higher the risk of infection.

In addition to these diseases, fungal inflammatory processes can cause problems. These problems can also occur if you have one independent sexual partner:

In men, complaints are usually of an unpleasant itching sensation under the foreskin, redness of the head of the penis, and increased plaque formation under the foreskin;

In women – redness and itching of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia.

Fungi are usually activated when the normal mucosal flora of the mucosa is disrupted.

How to avoid infection:

  • reduce the number of occasional sexual contacts;
  • always use condoms or latex films during accidental contact;
  • Lubricants for oral sex should be used if condoms are not used to reduce mucosal trauma and slightly reduce the risk of HIV / STD infection. It is recommended to use the lubricant even if you have one regular sexual partner.
  • For the prevention of yeast infection after washing or after contact, it is recommended to lubricate the head of the penis with one of the antifungal ointments.

If you are satisfied:

Usually, during an erection, mucous fluid is released from the urethra of a man’s penis, but in women, mucus is released from the vagina, which can contain any microorganism that causes STDs (gonococcus, trichomonas, Gardnerella, etc.) by sucking and licking your partner’s genitals. Saliva has antibacterial properties, as a result of which some microbes can be destroyed. If there are enough microorganisms and they are virulent (viable) – they can cause tonsillitis – angina. Usually, on the second or third day there is a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and there may be a fever.

Satisfying someone orally, you can become infected with syphilis – then after an incubation period of an average of 21 days, a painless ulcer will form on the lips, tongue, tonsils, or cheek, and the lymph nodes will increase.

In addition to these diseases, you can also get viral hepatitis A, B, or C (jaundice).

Concentrations of HIV in the male penis are low. When exposed to saliva in the mouth, the virus is inactivated, so the risk of becoming infected with HIV is very low. The risk increases if microtraumas occur on the lips or in the corners of the lips. The risk of contracting HIV / STDs is particularly high if the partner ejaculates (stops) in the mouth.

The levels of the HIV virus in a woman’s vaginal secretions are high enough to allow her to become infected with HIV.

Eye contact is possible while playing with a partner’s member. Infections such as gonococcus can be brought into the eyes, which can lead to loss of vision during the day; chlamydia, which can cause chronic inflammation of the eyelids.

If your partner has had anal contact with someone before you have been in contact with you. You have the potential to become infected with nematodes, scabies, dysentery, and other infectious diseases. There is also a risk of getting these diseases by irritating or licking your partner’s anal area.

How to avoid infection:

  • It is necessary to limit the number of casual sexual contacts and partners;
  • Always use a condom or latex film during occasional contact. During oral sex, the condom can only be placed on the head of the partner’s penis. Condoms lubricated with sperm ointment should not be used as they can cause allergic inflammation of the oral mucosa, so it is recommended to use condoms lubricated with a special lubricant (‘Taste’) that have different flavors. Condoms lubricated with anesthetin (“Strength”) are not recommended for oral sex;
  • Have oral sex no sooner than 2 hours after brushing your teeth, including using dental floss. Brushing your teeth causes microtrauma and bleeding gums, which can increase the risk of infection. Therefore, it would be better to brush your teeth after oral sex;
  • If your partner has ejaculated (finished) in your mouth, you should spit or swallow the sperm immediately. When sperm enters the mouth, saliva creates a protective layer that lasts for a very short time. It is then recommended to rinse the mouth with oral disinfectant solutions or to chew gum that increases salivary secretion.
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