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Intimate life after 40: 10 things you need to know

Do you think that after 40 your sex life goes into oblivion? Unlikely. Experts say that sex, like other areas of life, is only getting better. What should you know about it? Psychologists and clinical sex therapists explain what can help in the bedroom.

Sex after 40: What Happens to Libido?

Let’s start with the fact that some hormones can decrease at this age. Both men and women experience hormonal changes in their forties that can cause changes in sexual arousal, desire, and overall physical comfort during sexual activity. Hormonal changes may require more sexual stimulation.

Even more pleasure

Do you think that intimate life will become more and more boring in a long-term relationship? Think again – this is just one of the popular myths about aging.

40-year-old couples experience the best sex of their lives – they have more opportunities and motivation to explore different aspects of sexuality. At this age, couples are more open to exploring sexual confidence, stronger sexual self-confidence, a desire for more playful sex, or a deeper emotional connection to make sex more meaningful and passionate.

Caring for heart health

The cardiovascular system is the key to a successful sex life. This means that both cardio and strength training are necessary. Feeling good gives you more energy and confidence, which is definitely sexy.

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When trying to conceive, sex can become an obligation

As a woman ages, the quantity and quality of her eggs decreases, which can make it difficult to get pregnant. So if you want to start or grow a family, talk openly with your partner so you’re both willing to understand that sometimes sex can feel like an obligation.

It doesn’t mean you don’t love each other – you share a mission to create a bigger family.

Women can enjoy orgasm more

You may come across myths that women lose their ability to orgasm as they age, but experts say that women over 40 can experience more pleasure during sex than ever before.

Some women reach orgasm more easily because they have gained more experience, self-confidence and feel comfortable.

Men can last longer

This decade’s decline in hormone levels also has a positive side: men after 40 are able to last longer during sex.

Increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted infections may seem like a problem for 20-year-olds, but data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the number of people over 40 with STDs is steadily increasing. Experts say this is partly because there is more demand for erectile dysfunction drugs, the need for contraception is decreasing and vaginal tissue is aging, which can make women more susceptible to infections. So even if the chance of pregnancy is very low, using condoms when you are with a new partner is very important for your health.

Measures that prevent erectile dysfunction

After reaching the age of 40, men may experience erectile problems.

It’s worth exploring lifestyle changes that can improve sexual health. Research shows that exercise or a diet rich in flavonoids (blueberries, cherries, radishes, etc.) helps reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. Visiting a sports club can also have a positive effect.

123RF.com nuotr./Pora

Other types of intimacy

Physical intimacy is wonderful, but there are other forms of pleasure. Too much focus on intercourse can make sex mundane and unsatisfying. Learn to focus on pleasure and connection with your partner.

Relationship with partner in the first place

Many 40-year-olds have moved past the family and work-focused phase of their lives, so they can spend more time with their partners. They have more emotional energy to focus on their partner because they are not exhausted from taking care of children or building a career.

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