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5 Sex Positions Where All the Attention Is On the Breasts

The best sex positions include as many erogenous zones as possible. However, the most popular ones ignore one important erogenous zone that, if properly stimulated, can make sex incredibly pleasurable. We are talking about breasts. Let’s look at sex positions that focus on the breasts.

Both breasts and nipples are not only extremely sensitive to touch, but are also one of the most intimate parts of the female anatomy. Laurie Mintz, author of „Becoming Cliterate“, says that drawing your partner’s attention to your breasts can create a stronger bond between you, which ultimately leads to stronger orgasms. Even science has proven that touching the nipples can activate the same areas of the brain that respond to genital stimulation.

Breasts usually get a lot of attention in the beginning, but seem to be forgotten later on. “My advice is to get them involved all the time, not just at the beginning,” advises Mintz. Here are five sex positions in which it will be especially convenient to achieve it.

Doggy style

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doggy style

In doggy style sex position, your partner is usually behind you with their hands resting on the mattress or placed somewhere on your butt. In order for the breasts to be stimulated during this sex position, he simply needs to hold onto them. When he enters you from behind, he can easily play with your breasts depending on how and with what intensity you like it.

And while it’s up to you to decide whether you like it harder or softer, slower or faster, or maybe you want him to squeeze your nipples, your partner is actually in control of the action. So you can just relax and enjoy. You can also try this position by leaning over the table for more balance.

Woman on top

Piecas seksa pozas, kur visa uzmanība tiek pievērsta krūtīm

If your partner lies down and you sit on top of him, he will be able to enjoy an incredible view. You can tease him by arching your back and preventing him from reaching your breasts. That way, he won’t be able to play with them until you let him. Don’t forget that when a woman is on top, she decides everything.

However, the most important thing in this position is not what he sees, but the pleasure you experience. So when you’re tired of teasing him, let him touch your breasts or even lean close enough for him to touch them with his tongue.

Face to face

Piecas seksa pozas, kur visa uzmanība tiek pievērsta krūtīm

Your partner sits comfortably on the edge of the bed, in a chair or on the floor, and you sit on his lap facing him, holding onto his back or shoulders. Your breasts will be close to his body, creating intimate contact. He may try to grab your breasts or simply press his breasts against yours, generating a lot of body heat.


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Spooning is so comfortable that it allows you to enjoy sex longer and lazier. Bonus – this position is great for breast play. You lie on your side, your partner lies behind you. Let him caress your breasts and nipples before he enters you. Try to extend the introductory caresses as long as possible, let him hold your breasts in his hands and caress your nipples with his fingers. When you can’t take it any longer, let him enter you and let your breasts rest in his hands as you near orgasm.

Oral sex for her

This list of positions includes oral sex for a reason. Lie comfortably on your back with your partner’s head between your legs and his arms stretched straight ahead so they touch your breasts. He will be able to enjoy all the erogenous zones of your body, and you – indescribable sensations.

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