Interesting facts about male condoms – one of the most effective methods of contraception, which in our colloquial language is often cleverly called clever or rubber. The effectiveness of this useful protection against unwanted pregnancies and protection against various sexually transmitted diseases is unquestionable today – as much as 98%! But what else do we know about this unique invention? Get acquainted – 6 interesting facts about condoms, their history, and the production process! Some of them are truly amazing!

When you come to the supermarket, with the idea to replenish your condom stock, distracted from the huge offer? Beware! In the crowded shelves of protective equipment, it often happens to catch a “great”, but at the same time quite deceptive marketing trick. experts recommend that you take the utmost care when purchasing condons marked with the “extra sensitive” label. Often, after a closer and more detailed examination, these condoms turn out to be just as thick as regular or regular type rubbers. Don’t let the ad fool you!

Did you know that one of the stages of testing the durability of condoms involves treating the manufactured condoms with electric projectiles? Yes – you read that right! The visual appearance of these electrical inspection machines varies greatly, but their operating process is exactly the same, ie the rubber material is subjected to electric charges of different strengths, thus testing and determining the compliance of a particular rubber product with world standards.

Continuing with the strength test methods applicable to male condoms, it is important to mention the inspection method, which is similar to playing with rubber balloons. During the specific test, the condons are gradually filled with air in a volume of up to 10 gallons or 40 liters. How is this process going? Under the supervision of experts, the condoms are filled with air and at the moment of their explosion, the responsible device fixes the strength threshold of the rubber product to make sure that the condoms of the specific product are ready to reach the supermarket shelves.

If you’re not surprised by the world-famous Guinness Book of Records when you see a huge pink condom, you’ve missed a lot! This photo shoot often causes a whole storm of laughter in people. The specific condom was recognized as the largest condon in the world in 1993! Its dimensions have reached 21.94 meters or a full 72 feet. What has contributed to this type of creative boom? This rubber formation has been deployed in the French capital, Paris, to mark World AIDS Day 1993.

Quite interesting facts can also be found in the history archives of condoms. Of course – condons were not always made of rubber. In the past (1600s), condoms were especially natural, ie they were made from the intestines of animals found in the area. It must be said that the purchase of these protective equipment for the wallet of the local owner cost a considerable amount of money, so our ancestors were forced to use these condoms even several times. Use, wash, dry and go – ready to use in new decks! Lambs and sheep were identified as the most sought-after animals for this type of product.

As for the history of condoms, it is worth mentioning that these means of protection have not always been publicly available. If today condoms can be bought almost or everywhere and always, in the period before 1928 they could be bought only in pharmacies – with a doctor’s prescription. Yes, buying the much-needed rubber sleeve was just as shameful! Realizing that this solution is not very successful today, an enterprising American businessman realized a rather surprising idea, namely, to install the first condom vending machines in America. It is also possible to buy such antiques in the depths of the Internet today.