How did the hottest erotic story of my life begin? It was enough with two cocktails and the girls gradually began to undress to start a fun orgy. Aija and Eliza went on a rapid attack on Lina’s nipples, with such inspiration and vigor that they became like spicy and hard diamonds. It was with their dedication that they got involved in this game that fueled my desire even more, but unfortunately, my destiny had decided to remain just an observer.
With noble shamelessness, Aija lies on the couch to reveal her hidden place to Lina’s naughty tongue, which is just craving after tasting Aija’s body. Meanwhile, Elisha, who had seemed to be the shyest of the three villains so far, sat on Aija’s face. They moaned and moaned in well-being. With each passing second, I felt more and more excited – I felt like my crotch was already starting to simmer.

That was just the beginning
After a wild orgasm, Aija started fucking Lin using an artificial parody of a male member. Meanwhile, Lina caressed Eliza’s clitoris with her tongue. When all three were finished, Lina turned to me and asked – Do you really not want to join us? – No, don’t call her, she’ll break like an old baby! – Aija creaked, although it was obvious that she would not object at all and was actually trying to get me on the right note.
How did this erotic story go? All three girlfriends, screaming in excitement, rushed at me and after a short, while I was already undressed – it was impossible to resist these brawls. Aija and Lina lightly bite my nipples, but Eliza fell on her knees in front of me.
Oh my God!
I have been orally satisfied with several men, but I had not yet felt the well-being that Eliza gave me. She knew perfectly what, when, and how to do it. If men consider oral sex a prelude to a big fuck, then they are seriously mistaken!
Meanwhile, Eliza began to satisfy Lina, Lina stroked Aija, but I stood like a statue with outstretched legs. This tricky pleasure given to me by Eliza with her gentle sharp tongue movements was indescribable.
It was a carousel of pleasure
We were all drawn into it. At times, it seemed that even the roof of the house turned from this vibrating pleasure. Eliza just kept licking and sucking out all the possible sweet-salt spices from me.
My clitoris was swollen – I couldn’t think clearly anymore!
I end with long-unseen vigor and pleasure. The juice of love flowed from me, which I took with my tongue and, with such obvious greed, enjoyed Eliza’s glowing lips.

May I confess?
For the first time in my life, I enjoyed a woman’s taste. I needed to get all my courage to break my own right and allow myself to enter this passionate orgy of girls. Eliza’s body was firm, her vagina tasted great. It wasn’t even five minutes before she started panting. I realized that she was coming to an end, so I wanted to enjoy the effect of my index finger in her narrow beer. Gently moving my finger, I sucked her clit. It gave Eliza an indescribably vivid pleasure.
Midnight was approaching
Eliza and Lina went home, leaving me alone with Aija. Yes, my best friends turned out to be just as playful! I felt a little confused because the evening was intense and full of adventures – I was afraid that I would not be able to look into the eyes of my friends anymore. However, I overcame my shyness and lay down next to Aija. The night was ours.
Lick another woman and feel her lick you – what could be better than that!
This was not just another erotic story. It was more. This evening served as an indescribable contribution to my erotic experience. It really was worth it!