
Erotic game scenarios for adults.

Sex can be memorable, passionate, banal, and exciting, but many couples one day reach a certain point in their sex lives when it’s time to try something new. Your ally in the 18+ world offers ideas on how to fill your sex life with originality and new, exciting feelings provided by so-called role-playing games. Read on to get ideas for erotic game scenarios.

With what to start?

The first thing to think about is what a sexy image would suit and please you both. Erotic role-playing games provide an opportunity to exchange traditional behavioral roles between men and women or to enjoy an erotic ‘performance’ in different professions.

Neķītrā Spēle – Joyful Couple Latvia

If the bed is usually dominated by a man, sexologists advise the woman to limit his options, be active and demonstrate the woman’s strength and will. If a man is told that he is surviving because he has not been his beloved’s first partner, the woman can boldly give him the opportunity to be her teacher. If the man is domineering, ask him to imitate his possible subjugation. After all, according to statistics, 80% of women sooner or later start fantasizing about the desire to experience physical abuse of their loved one in bed (without going to extremes, of course).

When trying erotic games for the first time, don’t try to figure everything out to the last detail. Just enjoy each other. The most important thing is to get into the roles, not be afraid to improvise, if you want, to dress in some special costumes.

It is no secret that men enjoy with their eyes, so details of clothing such as a sexy corset, tights, high heels can indescribably arouse a man. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right clothes.


A man seduces an innocent virgin

The man must act purposefully but gently, as if afraid of “scaring the virgin.” The woman plays a weak, modest girl who will allow herself only after a long persuasion and temptation. She should give her husband the opportunity to become his sexual educator, the first man.

Image suitable for this scenario:
  • Schoolgirl – knee-high socks, short dress or skirt, hair ribbons, lollipop on a stick;
  • Nun – “forbidden fruits are the sweetest”, so the longer a woman resists, the more the man is seduced.
erotisko spēļu idejas

2. Dominant Woman

This is the most common erotic fantasy of men. A woman dressed in formal clothes makes a man obey and does with her whatever she wants. The object of the game is to show a man that he can be weak.

Image suitable for this scenario:
  • Mrs. General – the embodiment of masculine power, which appears not only in military uniforms, but also in commands expressed in a strong tone;
  • Policeman – uniform and handcuffs will be useful;
  • Amazon – a domineering, wild woman, whose body is decorated only with a bandage around the hips.

Sex with a stranger

The plus of this scenario is that you do not have to worry about special outfits. All you need is good acting skills

Image suitable for this scenario:
  • Stranger – the acting effect can be enhanced by wearing a wig and hiding your eyes under sunglasses
Erotisko spēļu idejas

Sex as a punishment

A woman allows a man to punish himself or punish himself. The most important thing to remember is that this is just a game and it does not turn into forced punishment.

Image suitable for this scenario:
  • Female boss: firm gaze, tight-fitting formal suit, tied hair, bright lipstick. Punish your subordinate for failing to prepare the annual report in time;
  • Secretary – armed with a shameful expression – you end up delaying the meeting. You will have to go to the angry boss and redeem your guilt.
  • Of course, this is not a complete list of erotic games. Use your imagination, fantasize – after all, create scenarios for your own sex role-playing games without borders.
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