Sometimes a person’s libido can decrease a little, so we try to find solutions to increase it quickly. It turns out that eating these products before sex will make the night really hot, because they have a similar effect to the drug Viagra.
Libido can decrease for a variety of reasons, from certain medications to health problems, stress, and anxiety. In most cases, there is nothing to worry about and there are things you can do to fix the problem, writes
First you need to find out why the libido has decreased. You can then focus on fixing the cause of the problem, whether it’s stress, changes in your personal life, work, or simply a change in your taste in things that trigger you.
However, the solution can also be “home viagra” or food products that help increase sex drive. Nutrients in certain foods can help you feel relaxed and aroused faster and with more pleasure.
Studies show that watermelon can help men with problems like erectile dysfunction. It has been scientifically proven to improve sexual performance in rats. Experts say this is because the juicy fruit is rich in B vitamins, which help improve sexual stamina and energy production. It helps you feel relaxed and can help reduce stress.
Fatty fish
Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna or mackerel help to feel attractive and increase arousal. One study even found that couples who ate fish just twice a week were 22 percent more likely to have sex than those who didn’t eat fish. The fatty acids in fish are said to increase dopamine levels and improve circulation, meaning they’re good for you and your intimate life.
Strawberries have always been associated with the title of sexy berry, but it turns out that they are actually useful for those who want to enjoy better sex. Strawberries are best eaten before intercourse because they are rich in vitamin C, which increases libido, especially for men.