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How do you know if you have a sex addiction?

Sex is a natural human need and is very normal as well as healthy if a person has a strong libido. But the sexual desire in some people can go out of control and turn into an addiction. The difference between having a good time having sex and being addicted to it is pretty obvious. Healthy libido can be controlled. If sex is not available, it is definitely a disappointment, but it is never a devastating problem. However, if a person is addicted to sex, things are completely different.

When someone is addicted to sex, he begins to feel desperate for his sexual desire, no matter what it costs. Therefore, sekss.lv offers a small overview of information on how to recognize sex addiction.

Sex addiction manifests itself in several ways. Therefore, you should look for possible warning signs that you or your partner may be addicted to sex.

They can be identified as follows:

– The person masturbates every day;

– The person has many sexual partners or he is cheating on his partner;

– Sex dominates a person’s life, to the exclusion of other activities;

– A person engages in sex by telephone, computer, watches pornography, or uses prostitution services;

– In extreme cases, a person also engages in criminal activities that include persecution, rape, harassment of children, or incest.

Other psychological signs to look out for:

– There is a constant crisis in a person’s life, because sex is the only priority, so everything else in life is insignificant;

– A person cannot concentrate on anything for more than 10 minutes because thoughts are always turning to his fantasy world;

– A person does not take into account the possible consequences of having an extraordinary amount of sex, and it continues to do so uncontrollably;

– There is always emotional tension in a person’s relationship with a partner because the mind of a sex addict is always focused only on physical intimacy;

– A person feels powerless because even when trying to gain control over his addiction, he still allows it.

Is sex addiction a fiction?

Although “sex addiction” is increasingly being referred to alongside other addictions, psychiatrists point out that such a diagnosis does not exist in psychotherapy, considering the concept to be a conservative invention of moralizers, the newspaper “Der Spiegel” reports.

Psychotherapists point out that sexual desire is a completely normal part of human behavior and there is nothing pathological about it, even in an exaggerated form.

According to German experts, “sex addictions” have defined the achievement of at least seven orgasms per week as a criterion for diagnosing a person, devoting one or two hours a day to sexual activities.

No matter how different your views are, if an excessive craving for sex degrades your life, it is advisable to seek help from a specialist.

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