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Improving fertility at the summer solstice – myths and truths

The summer solstice or Midsummer is a special time for Latvians, when it is recommended to perform magical actions in the name of a better future. According to ancestral beliefs, the celebration of Midsummer is closely related to the cult of the Sun and fertility, so almost all the activities and rituals of Midsummer’s Eve are focused on and around the theme called improving and increasing fertility. Natural and human fertility is perceived as the basis of a healthy and prosperous life message, which a person needs to continue the family.

There is no lack of direct erotic encouragement in Midsummer’s fertility rituals: beliefs make you look for a fern flower, folk songs in the name of a better future urge “linden to swing in the oak” and all Midsummer’s children to worship, songs.

Let’s look at the extent to which the magical fertility rituals of Midsummer, as well as the assumptions of folklore found in the depths of the Internet, are reasonable or mythical , and how realistically they can improve the chances of conceiving a child.


Myth 1 – Sincere swaying

In the name of fertility, on Midsummer’s Eve, John’s children must be sincerely happy. In folklore, the meaning of the word “sway” is quite broad. It doesn’t just mean singing and dancing or swinging. Researchers explain the words of the folk song “Līgo linden with oak” as a spicy metaphor in the framework of the fertility cult.

In fact: Singing and dancing are closely linked to promoting human fertility health. In order to sing well, it is necessary to breathe properly with the diaphragm, as a result of which the diaphragm is trained and blood circulation in the small pelvis improves. Dancing also takes care of the small pelvis, its muscles and blood circulation. This is very important for the bleeding of the organs of the reproductive system and thus for their full functioning. And since singing and dancing, and positive thinking also contribute to the formation of the so-called happiness hormone endorphin, from the point of view of human fertility health, this Midsummer tradition is highly recommended to anyone planning to conceive a child.


Myth 2: Jumping over a campfire

On Midsummer’s Eve, you should light a bonfire and jump over the bonfire. According to tradition, a bonfire on Midsummer’s Eve symbolizes the blessing of fertility. Therefore, those children of John who want to be blessed with fertility should try to be lit by fire during the evening. The culmination of this illumination is the jumping over the bonfire, which must be done when the couple joins hands. Hands must not be released.

In fact: Classical medicine is silent about the validity of this Latvian tradition and belief. The belief in the protection of the love of two people and the blessing of fertility is very beautiful, so there is no reason not to cultivate it.


Myth 3: Swim naked

Beliefs say bathing in dew or water will promote fertility. In addition, this ritual is treated as a two-way fertility ritual: both contact with the earth, race and water makes a person healthy and fertile, and man promotes the fertility of the earth. In recent years, the Midsummer Night’s Nude Race has become more and more popular as a male fertility ritual.

In fact: The bathing tradition can certainly be considered the beginning of the contrast shower known in modern medicine. Contrast shower is known to improve both blood circulation and metabolism, which is vital for health and also good appearance, it promotes the stability of the nervous system and does many good things in the field of general health prevention. In addition, adherence to this tradition will promote the formation of the happiness hormone endorphins. Therefore, it is definitely in line with the prevention of maintaining and promoting good fertility health. For a man, movement is very important, because the traditional “freezing” for several hours at the computer often ends in overheating of the testicles, which is one of the causes of poor spermograms and poor quality sperm.


Myth 4: The search for a fern flower.

The fern blooms only once – on Midsummer night, and blooms with very beautiful flowers, and whoever finds it, or who manages to put its flowers on the windowsill and take them, becomes happy. Therefore, you need to wait for the flowering of the fern and prepare for the search for the flower.

In fact: The story of the fern flower is a very beautiful metaphor in the context of the fertility cult. However, this does not prevent everyone from conducting their own empirical research.


Myth 5: Good comes with waiting!

For couples who are carefully preparing to conceive, the following is recommended: a husband is advised to take a break of sex for about 3-4 days in the period before his wife’s “best days”, because then his gametes will be better prepared and mature to meet a “lady”. . As a result, the “meeting” will be “more fruitful”.

In fact, it is, after 3-4 days of abstinence, the quality of a man’s sperm will improve. Just don’t overdo it and wait one for two weeks.

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