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Men who have these 3 personality traits have the most sex

It is no wonder that certain personality traits determine success in a person’s career, finances and relationships. However, a recent study revealed which personality traits determine a very important topic for many: a prosperous sex life. According to an Australian study, men who have a combination of certain three personality traits are more likely to have sex than other men. According to the authors of the study, these characteristics give men a “mating market competitive advantage”.

The study used data from an online survey in Australia, which included a “BIG 5” personality test and a series of socio-demographic questions. The “BIG 5” test, also known as the five-factor model, is also used as a tool in the theory of psychological traits to identify the five traits that some psychologists believe form the core of a person’s personality. These traits are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism, each of which is measured on a five-point Likert scale.

To better understand these 5 traits that form the core of each person’s personality, let’s explain them in more detail:

  • Openness: The ability to perceive new ideas, opinions or arguments.
  • Conscientiousness: This quality is inherent in people who want to do their job or duty well and thoroughly.
  • Extraversion: Increased social activity; such a person is very sociable, often acting under the influence of the moment.
  • Agreeableness: Such a person is usually sincere, friendly and tactful. He is usually optimistic about human nature and understands others well.
  • Neuroticism: A tendency to experience negative effects, including anger, anxiety, irritability, emotional instability, and depression.

Which qualities increase man’s attractiveness? Let’s look at the traits that usually are related to great sex life:

1 | High extraversion and high agreeableness

Vīriešiem, kuriem piemīt šīs 3 personības iezīmes, ir visvairāk seksa

Men with this particular combination of traits tend to be real party souls. As extroverts, they are usually confident, talkative, and quick to connect with others. Because they have a high level of agreeablenes, they are regularly perceived as kind, warm, compassionate and attentive. No wonder this type of men have more sex: these are the qualities that women consider very important in a partner.

2 | High extraversion and high conscientiousness

Vīriešiem, kuriem piemīt šīs 3 personības iezīmes, ir visvairāk seksa

Men who are very extroverted and conscientious are cool and confident people, but they have something else: they are self-disciplined. These are men who value consistency, self-control and the ability to achieve high goals: these are qualities that can lead to a high level of career and higher income. While some might assume that flexibility and spontaneity (associated with lower levels of conscientiousness) might be an attractive quality in a mate, individuals with those qualities can come across to a potential partner as unreliable or less successful.ccessful.

3 | High agreeableness and high conscientiousness

Vīriešiem, kuriem piemīt šīs 3 personības iezīmes, ir visvairāk seksa

A man with a combination of these qualities (each of which is shown in the profiles of previous personalities) is often perceived as a kind, compassionate, trustworthy and successful person. While these types of men may be less charismatic or less self-confident than others who, for example, are distinctly extroverted, they allow these great qualities to speak for themselves.

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