Fantasies  Stories  


It was a small but cozy room.
The smell of flowers and candles vibrated in the air. A mysterious, intriguing, and exciting melody sounded. He wanted to turn on the light, but she stopped, saying, “No need, I’ll pour us some wine right away.” With glasses of wine in her hands, slowly rocking her hips to the beat of the music, she approached, looking directly into his defiantly stubborn eyes.

Overcoming her own timidity and prejudice, because tonight she wanted to forget everything, giving in to her wild passion. This time she wanted it in spite of everything, even the thought that she might never see her again after that could not stop her. Her whole being longs for him.
He stood and looked at them with eyes full of astonishment, which had rarely been seen by anyone. He watched her approach, her eyes gleaming, the candlelight playing with her stature.

He liked it, but he was stubborn and always wanted to be a determinant. Her lips touched the glass and after taking one sip she came closer and closer. Slowly but surely, because something had made her think she wasn’t the only one who wanted it. She had noticed the lights of lust burning in his eyes as he watched him in secret. But he hesitated and did not even move to approach her. Maybe he was afraid to burn in the fires of her passion, but now she could no longer control it and had been released.

She took a glass of wine from his hands and placed it on the floor. Her lips burned with passion, unable to bear the hesitation. He was amazed at such daring and waited stubbornly for as long as she had enough courage and patience. Grasping the collar of her shirt with her hands, she kissed him hotly. It was a single second when his hands pulled out his shirt so that all the buttons tore and flew where they happened.
He kissed him, stroking his body, but he stood numb without even touching her. He kissed him again and felt small drops of sweat on his forehead.

She had also noticed that his body was shaking with lust, but he was reluctant to show it. Well, if he’s so insensitive, I don’t have to – he thought to himself. She turned, took her glass of wine, and, as cool as he had stood all this time, when she had let go of her passion, went to the terrace to watch the sunset….
He was confused as he recovered and saw her move away. Now was his time, because the situation had not turned out exactly as he had intended.
He approached her quietly. He placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned on his neck, he touched it with the tip of his tongue. He reached close to her hips with gentle hand movements. As she watched the sunset, she had not noticed his approach, and the touch inadvertently made her breathe, feeling a tremor of his height, and her body took over again.

She approached him and let him believe he had won. She succumbed to his gentle hands, but inside she was still furious and offended. In her thoughts, she cursed herself for her own boldness and damn passion. She wanted to hate all men for waking up to her again and again. But she couldn’t because it was her nature.
She was ready to give up all her passion, but in return, she wanted to get the same. And how cool he was a moment ago did not allow her to answer with the full return. She stepped down and said, don’t try to strain yourself for me if you don’t want to! Don’t even think that one touch of yours will make me forget everything! She thought.

As if understanding her thought, he thought to herself – Something needs to be fixed in this game! With a strong grasp, he pulled her close and squeezed her lips with his own before protesting. She didn’t try to answer yet, trying to get out. However, he did not allow it, and slowly, almost insistently, she began to button up her blouse until it was finally open. She felt her fingers touch the ends of her nipples, stroking them. Feeling a tickling touch, they quickly turned into large chocolate peas.
Changes like an avalanche captivated her whole being, and she gave in to caresses, kisses that became more and more tender and sensual. Her inner determination to be steadfast disappeared and she approached him more closely.
He lifted him up and carried him to bed, slowly lying down with him. His hands caressed her body from her clothes until she was completely naked, then she also got rid of her clothes with purposeful movements. Curled up on her body, her lips sliding gently down her neck until she touched the swollen ends of her breasts again, he began to gently squeeze them. His hand approached her lap carefully. Feeling his hand, she moaned quietly. With his foot as if unnoticed, he slipped between her legs, slipping between them.

His whole body was overwhelmed and quick, but gently he entered it. She felt us enter her and instinctively tensed her muscles, embracing her as if she had bound her strong body with her hands. They began to move slowly and deeply, adapting to each other until it switched to fast, hectic movements alternating with endless kisses and caresses.

There was no more time, no space, no more than forbidden. She screamed and her body trembled. As if waiting for him, he shuddered and, embracing loudly with insane force, embraced him. She felt a strong current trickle into her lap, creating the long-awaited peak of pleasure in her. Her whole body trembled with well-being, and each cell tried to get as much pleasure as possible, giving it to its fullest.

Until finally they fell asleep quietly and peacefully in each other’s embrace…

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