
Sex after divorce – are there any benefits?

When divorced, some couples decide to have sex on farewell. Psychologists and sexologists are convinced that no matter how bold, hot, playful, lustful the sex will be after divorce, the situation will not be corrected, the relationship will end anyway. Interestingly, the partner who suffers from unrequited love is usually the one who shows initiative. In this way, he puts an end to the old relationship. There are situations when the loving partner is completely disappointed, realizes that the old feelings are no longer recovered, calms down, and lives on, but the other who decided to divorce suffers.

What is sex after divorce? Is that necessary at all? What are the intentions of partners to stand out?

When a relationship ends, people go through a lot. Probably not because you love each other, but just get used to each other’s habits, body, touch. Some love the one who leaves them so much that they experience the pain of the soul, unable to control themselves.

Remember! If a person has decided to leave you, it is not worth trying to keep him, especially with sex. Let him go his own way and start a new life. Never humble yourself and run after each other for love. It will only lose the dignity in his eyes. Maintain self-esteem.

Many women and men make the mistake of trying to get their partner back with farewell sex. It just humiliates itself! Sex for a short time relieves the pain of divorce, but the emotional state can worsen.

Are you determined to divorce your partner? Is he asking you for sex? Do not take this step, sexual act always gives hope for the continuation of the relationship, especially because many people are unable to separate emotions from sex.

Farewell sex harm

Relationship is over, be completely free, independent. You can calmly dismiss a person, forgive and live on to the fullest. If you agree to sex, you will automatically lose your freedom.

Valuable advice! You can’t stick to the past, you should always move on. Sex will never rebuild a family. It can only help if the partners really love each other and have decided to divorce only for a moment. Sometimes it just seems like strong lovers, and when it really hurts, you realize: in fact, there is no love, it was a fictional image, an illusion.

Sex after divorce – what is its purpose?


Many men say they have shared a bed with a woman on the verge of divorce to comfort her. In such a situation, their selfishness manifests itself without thinking about a woman’s feelings. It may be difficult for her to divorce, but sex is a step backwards.

Weak women also make mistakes: they humble themselves, cry, appeal to pity. There are women who hope to conceive a child during farewell sex, specially count the days and then seduce the partner. This is a huge mistake! Children are a serious turning point in life. Under no circumstances should you give birth to attract a man who does not love you.

An act of mercy

Farewell sex is used as a refusal to continue a relationship and even as a thank you. If the love was one-sided, the sex partner thanks for the good attitude. But he who wants to divorce loves to say goodbye sooner: “Let us agree that I will pay attention to you and give you this night, but then you will forget about me.” It is a kind of act of mercy, a small gift to the worshiper. But everyone decides for themselves, humble themselves and accept such a “gift” or send a partner somewhere far away.

Psychologists recommend remembering that you are human, no one has the right to control your life and feelings. You were told “no”. Everything! Calm down, accept it. Sex can no longer solve anything, even if it will be the most shocking in your life.

Cruel revenge

Disgusting and immoral motive is sex in revenge. It is often used by women when a man falls in love with another and decides to leave him. A woman gets a loved one in bed and specially bites, scratches, leaves bruises on the neck. Maybe they secretly film a sexual intercourse, take photos and send them to the new crush. On the other hand, if a man really decides to leave a woman, he is 100% sure that he will be better with the other, he will never dare to sleep with the former.

Sexologists’ recommendations

  • Think well, why do you need unnecessary emotions, anxiety, especially if love is one-sided?
  • Don’t try to analyze sex. It happened, yes, then and then? Better to throw away what happened.
  • You will not return anyone with sex. A man perceives sexual intercourse much more easily than a woman. Don’t think that if you are particularly good in bed, he will decide to return.
  • There is no need to repeat farewell sex, thus filling the void in the soul. Completely breaks ties with the former, begins to live again. Believe that there will be someone with whom you will feel loved.
  • Do not expect sex to continue. Note that it was an emotional discharge, an erotic adventure, but nothing more.
  • Be smarter and more cunning! It is not worth spending your life on someone who causes tears, unpleasant emotions, scandals. Find someone you will feel easy and relaxed with. If you believe it, everything will come true! Good luck!
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