
Surprising facts about female orgasm

Female orgasm depends on many factors, which sometimes cannot be explained even by the ladies themselves. During sex, it is enough to think about some everyday worries or hear a sound, like everything, Bye, Enjoy! Here are sound sex facts about what researchers, doctors, and therapists want everyone to know about a woman’s orgasm.

There are several types of orgasms

“Many researchers don’t understand female orgasm because it’s just not as much studied as male orgasm, and they describe it as ‘just a spinal reflex,'” explains Jim Fauss, a professor of psychology. “And it’s true that it’s a reflex, but our research shows that, unlike men, women have different ways to stimulate orgasm in their body, which means a wide, very different range of orgasmic sensations. They may not differ biologically, but they certainly differ in the way they are obtained. “

Female orgasm and G-spot

Much has been written about whether there really is a famous “G spot” – a place that is thought to be on the front wall of the vagina and increases sexual pleasure. But these arguments lack real thought, says Fauss. “Whether or not it’s a real ‘point’, there’s a lot of evidence that a deeper orgasm can be caused by just deep sex,” he explains.

The key to superheated orgasm is… cervix?

Most of us think that a woman’s clitoris is the best way to orgasm, but there are three more regions of orgasm in a woman’s body. According to a study by Faus, stimulation of the nipple, the parts leading to the inner ear, and the cervix can lead to deeper, more intense orgasms. Nipples, okay. But the cervix? Really? “A sharp blow to the cervix is ​​probably very unpleasant,” Fauss recalls.

“The women in our study found rhythmic stimulation of the cervix quite pleasant, and it led to better orgasms,” explains Jim Fauss, a professor of psychology.

There is such a ‘magic posture’

First of all, the posture that you like best is the best. But too many women often use certain poses because their partners want it, they imitate what they see in porn footage or are just afraid to try something new. Recommendation? Sit on top of him and rotate your hips in a circular motion while stimulating the clitoris. Because the base of the clitoris is inside the vagina, it ensures that you slowly create a ‘mixed vaginal and clitoral orgasm’.

Female orgasm and trust partner

Sex is, of course, a physical activity, but it is just as mental, especially for women, says Gabriela Galvana de Antillona, ​​a certified sex therapist.

“When you really trust the person you are with during sex, you can fully relax and feel the full power of orgasm,” she explains.

“It is not only physically intense but also emotional and mental. Therefore, for many women, the orgasm caused by self-stimulation can be much stronger – you can trust yourself and thus be able to really relax. ”

Abdominal massage intensifies orgasm

Women can use their uterus to lift the climax to new heights, says sex expert and author of the book Spiced Up Marriages, Davondra Brown. “When you feel an orgasm approaching, gently massage your lower abdomen to intensify the sensations,” she explains. “It’s because of the condition of the uterus, which can add an unexpected bonus to an already significant event.”

Women can (and should!) Quit multiple times

Women have a very short “reflection period” – the time between when one orgasm ends and when the body is ready to get the next. Therefore, women can have several orgasms in one go. Unfortunately, not all women use this unique gift, says Fauss. “No one says orgasms have to be one-on-one,” he says. “Your partner will enjoy helping you have an orgasm more than once, especially if you ask him to do so with great enthusiasm.”

Orgasms make a woman happy

When a woman feels really depressed, the idea of ​​orgasm may not seem appropriate, says Draion M. Burks, a sexual health consultant. “It instantly relieves stress, improves mood, and relieves depression,” he explains.

“In addition, it can help relieve chronic pelvic pain, help you sleep better and improve your immune system.”

Lots of great health improvements to say yes (yes, yes)!

Menstruation can make orgasm better

It is important for a woman to know her menstrual cycle and to inform her partner about it. Why? Hormone fluctuations can change how a woman reaches and feels an orgasm. It is easier to get aroused during ovulation and it may take less time, but slower, more moderate orgasms later in a woman’s cycle can also be great, just in a different way.

It is normal not to have an orgasm solely from ordinary sex

According to data compiled by Psychology Today, up to 75% of women do not have an orgasm from sexual intercourse alone. That’s why most women need some kind of clitoral stimulation, says Holly Richmond, a somatic psychologist and certified sex therapist.

“Too many women engage in sex, expecting an orgasm solely from sexual intercourse, and then often feel disappointed in themselves or their partner.”

The intensity of orgasms depends on the time of day

Have you ever wondered why one day your O is mind-boggling, but the next day it’s ‘meh’ even though you did the same thing to get there? “It’s perfectly normal for women to have orgasms changing in intensity,” says Megan Stubbs, a sex and relationship expert. “It depends on many contributing factors, such as desire, level of arousal, stress and mental presence.” It would be advisable to learn to enjoy the diversity and not worry too much about differences.

The female clitoris is much larger than we actually imagine

The small part that can be seen? This is just the tip of the clit iceberg. The part of the clitoris that you can see is the head and the hood. It has several more hidden parts that extend deeper into a woman’s body. This is important because a larger surface area means more ways to stimulate it.

Women can also get an erection

Do you think that only the male genitals get aroused when they are “happy”? It turns out that parts of women do the same, although it is much harder to see. “When a woman is aroused, the entire clitoris flows with blood and becomes erect,” says Dan Michael , a certified clinical sexologist.

If a woman is unable to ‘finish’, the relationship should be evaluated

“In most cases, the inability to have an orgasm is not a physical or medical problem, but rather a psychological or situational problem,” says Camella Phillips, MD, an ob-gyn in New York. “Women often think their bodies are ‘broken’ when, in fact, it is because their partners are not providing support in the relationship.”

A woman needs a patient partner who wants to practice and experiment with her to find what can help her get an orgasm.

Female orgasms seem longer than they actually are

For a woman, orgasm may seem like several minutes of pleasure, and you may have even heard rumors of 30 minutes of orgasm. They are mostly lies, says psychiatrist Dion Metzger. “A clitoral orgasm can last up to 30 seconds, which is a significant time,” she says. Men? About 22 seconds.

If a woman has difficulty reaching orgasm, think ‘out of the box’

There are some effective tricks that can help you get an orgasm more easily, says Jordan Tisler, a Harvard doctor who specializes in treating sexual dysfunction. “For women who have little desire or difficulty with arousal and orgasm, cannabis in controlled amounts is a very effective solution,” he says. “Anal stimulation can also be very helpful in achieving a high-intensity orgasm,” he adds.

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