It seems that as many people as there are opinions about the G-spot, wrapped in various myths. Some are convinced that there is no such thing, others that only a small number of women have a G-spot, others that everyone has it, but not everyone manages to find it. It’s like searching for the lost Atlantis. Let’s try to destroy these myths and say that it’s not worth arguing – the G spot is there, you just have to know how to find it! Let’s share some useful tips on how to do it.
Does the G spot even exist?
There is a lot of debate, but it could be compared to the argument about whether a given area is a city or a district. Whatever we call it, nothing much will change. Therefore, it must be assumed that such a place really exists in a woman’s body. The only difference is that for some women this place is larger, for others it is smaller. Each of us has different vaginas, and the points are also different. But one thing to keep in mind – the G-spot is definitely not a point or some magic button. It is a specific place that gives pleasure when stimulated. It’s not that hard to find, and believe me, it’s worth looking for.
A bit of history
It was first mentioned in the 17th century by the Dutch anatomist De Graf, but it was not until 1950 that the German doctor Ernst Gräfenberg assessed it as an erogenous zone. But if we look at unofficial sources, women had discovered the G-spot much earlier, only then women’s discoveries were not taken seriously. There is currently debate over whether the G-spot is part of the clitoris, but science is still investigating such claims.
How to find this point?
Physiologically speaking, it is 4-5 centimeters deep, in the upper part of the vagina, in the abdominal wall, where the belly button is located. The easiest way to find it is with your fingers. Ideally, at first, a woman should explore her own body. During arousal, the G-spot becomes harder, like a sponge, others say – like a nut shell.

What’s so special about a G-spot orgasm?
It is more intense – the energy spreads throughout the body. It’s as if a woman opens up, allows herself to feel one of the greatest pleasures. But it does not come immediately. In order to allow yourself to feel the pleasure, an introduction is necessary. There should be touches, breast massage can be done. In other words, turning on a woman’s body is the only way to find this point. If you do everything mechanically, nothing will happen in that place. You have to turn on erotica and give it time. This makes this place different from the clitoris. With the clitoris, pleasure is achieved very quickly, but here you need to explore, relax. The more often you try it, the faster you will find this point.
Your position is extremely important
One of the easiest is the missionary position, but a pillow must remain under the pelvis. Another position is the ‘reverse cowgirl’, where the woman is on the man’s lap, but has turned her back to him. You can also try the doggy style position, but the woman should not be on all fours, but in a lying position.
What should the partner himself know about the G-spot?
Men need to learn to relax, prepare and excite a woman. You need to talk to your partner about what kind of touch she wants. You can make circles with your fingers, you can give her firmer touches or gentle hugs. Find out what your partner wants. Then make sure that her vagina is moistened, and only then allow your fingers to penetrate deeply, otherwise she will not be satisfied. A mistake many men make is to rush from one position to another, but you need to slow down and spend as much as 20 minutes in one position for a woman to reach that orgasm.
The worst thing a partner can say during this process is, “I’m trying so hard and you’re not feeling anything.” Such and similar things will not help. The mood should be without pressure, you should show a willingness to experiment. Maybe this time there will be no orgasm, but the pleasure will still be there. Maybe it takes more than one time for the partner to experience an orgasm. Men often forget this.
How not to feel disappointed if you don’t manage to reach the G-spot orgasm right away?
Rome wasn’t built in a day either. You have to prepare yourself for a long journey towards pleasure. Not for orgasm, but for pleasure. When you have an orgasm, it will be like a cherry on the cake – this attitude will help you with the feeling of disappointment. Enjoy the trip itself. This warm-up is even more important than the sex itself.
How to prepare your body for a G-spot orgasm?
- You can massage breasts and stimulate other erogenous points.
- Do everything slowly, with passion.
- When the vagina is ready, fingers can be used. Start with one, then experiment with two or three. Try different finger movements.
- You can massage the G-spot with one hand and the clitoris with the other.
- Do not forget to breathe loudly and deeply.
- If the massage is longer, female ejaculation may occur. It’s nothing to worry about, it’s not urine, although women may feel a similar urge to urinate. Just prepare a towel beforehand.
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