
What Kills Women’s Sexuality: Making These Mistakes Will Only Scare Men Away

Some women are quite easily able to shake a man’s ground under his feet, while others experience a fiasco even with their last efforts. We decided to tell you how to work on your sexuality and what mistakes you should not make. What is killing a woman’s sexuality?

Women are dreamy and emotional creatures (with rare exceptions). Each of them can awaken the subtlest strings of their sensuality, but not all of them understand what factors reduce their degree of attractiveness. Below are the factors that will ruin your chance to be with a successful and serious man.

Wrong character

Fashion today is more democratic than ever: you can wear practically anything, you can look however you want – comfortable, provocative, sexy, etc. Review your wardrobe and don’t be afraid to abandon modern trends, because femininity has always been, is and will be in fashion.

Men are not attracted by all those fashion extremes. The truth is simple and banal – for centuries, men have been attracted to the “hourglass” silhouette: an accentuated waist, elegant shoes on the feet, flowing skirts and light makeup that emphasizes natural beauty.

Zero internal energy level

No matter how wonderful you look, if your gaze is faded and your eyes are tired and sad, you will not be sexually attractive to a man. A woman is like a battery that is charged from the external environment and continues to act as a “source of power” for a man. They subconsciously “turn on” when they are with women filled with inner energy.

You haven’t learned body language

Gait, posture, gestures are the most powerful weapons of women. Ask married men what they remember from their first date with the girl they later decided to marry. They are unlikely to mention the color of the dress and shade of lipstick, but they will definitely tell about the easy, seductive gait.

Difficulty communicating

A successful man is looking for a suitable woman. His ideal candidate will not act like a boss or a gloomy teacher, will not hide in a corner like a frightened mouse. A real woman-wife will be able to maintain a conversation on interesting topics, listen to a man and give advice, give a compliment, she will be able to extinguish any conflict and raise the mood of a loved one. He wants to return to such a woman every day.

Inability to control your emotions

Jealousy, anger, hysteria – the last thing a man would like to face in family life. A woman who goes from tears to loud squealing and back again several times a day is not a nice look. Such a woman is scary. She is absolutely unpredictable. You can experience many emotions, but you don’t need to pour them all out on your partner. Men value comfort and coziness in relationships.

Attempts to get rid of excessive sexuality

There are women who are endowed by nature with heightened sensuality. They have been surrounded by fans since their teenage years, but their intentions are far from serious. Burnt by this attitude towards themselves, women begin to “erase” their natural sexuality: they choose clothes that do not catch the eye, do not use cosmetics, react aggressively and mistrustfully to the slightest signs of male attention. Such behavior will not help to create a strong and harmonious relationship.

Your task in this situation is not to extinguish the gift given by nature, but to tighten all other aspects of your femininity to the same high level. Then men will no longer look at you as just an object of desire.

You don’t trust yourself and you don’t realize yourself

This is the most obvious and at the same time the most difficult aspect to understand. When a woman knows where she is going and what she wants to achieve, she seems to fly through life. She is aware of her desires and protects personal boundaries. She does not feel the need to focus only on a man, but at the same time she understands the psychology of her partner and competently builds relationships with him. As soon as you fill your personal “holes” – find something you like, let go of pain and self-doubt, learn to face the future without fear – you will be filled with inner light. It’s much sexier than bright lipstick.

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