
13 Tips for getting a stronger erection and keeping them longer

If you have a penis, then you know that it tends to be a little temperamental sometimes. When you want it to be hard during sex, it becomes soft. When you finally manage to keep an erection, you end up too soon. It is also not particularly friendly with gradual drinks, even if you are in a very sexy situation, and research on various intoxicants suggests that there may be a link between erectile dysfunction and smoking.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Medicine, 85% of men between the ages of 20 and 39 say they can “always” or “almost always” get and maintain an erection, which means that 15% of men in their lives face erection problems in the best years. The same study found that only 20 percent of men between the ages of 40 and 59 have a healthy erection.

Although you may never be able to predict how your penis will behave, there are some steps that will help maintain a healthy and strong erection. Here are 16 tips to help keep a strong member for longer.

1) Try a penis ring

Did you know that a penis ring can help maintain an erection? This O-shaped toy, which is wrapped around the penis, helps to hold blood in it.

2) Kegel exercises

The pelvic floor muscles play an important role in sexual activities. Tightening the pelvic floor muscles (called Kegel exercises) helps to increase the strength of the penis (yes, they are not just for women). Simply put, Kegel exercises – where you tighten and release the pelvic floor muscles – can help strengthen your erection.

Kegel exercises are also part of a practice known as “penis rehabilitation”. Just as after shoulder surgery you would visit a physiotherapist to work on your muscles, strengthen them and increase the range of motion, the same goes for the penis, muscles, and nerves that play a role in erectile function. Therefore, many urologists recommend starting penile rehabilitation in good time, including Kegel exercises, rather than waiting for the problem to become very serious.

how to get a stronger erection and keep it longer

3) Keep track of your diet

According to WebMD , food that harms the heart has also been shown to be harmful to the penis – which is understandable because the proper functioning of both the heart and the penis depends on blood circulation.

4) Go in for sports

Cardio. Cardio. Cardio.

Blood flow is the key to a healthy erection, and there is nothing that promotes blood flow better than aerobic exercise. It not only keeps you in shape, but also forms nitric oxide, which helps maintain an erection.

Running is a great choice, but watch out for cycling. Enduro cyclists who spend a long time on bicycle seats may experience erectile dysfunction problems . This is because cycling can push the artery, which provides blood flow to the penis. In this case, specialized seats and wearing cycling shorts can help.

5) Quit smoking

A study at the University of Kentucky asked men to rate their sex lives on a scale of 1 to 10. Men who smoked chose an average of 5 and non-smokers a 9.

One of the reasons is that smoking is a known cause of impotence, and it has been shown that smoking affects erection strength and also penis size.

6) Perform a vasectomy

If you already have children (or are sure you do not want offspring), consider a vasectomy option.

The possibility that sex will end in an unwanted pregnancy can be a source of great concern for some men, especially those who have had this experience in the past.

This anxiety, in turn, can cause erection problems and cause a kind of vicious circle.

The efficiency of a properly performed vasectomy is 99.9%. In Latvia, the procedure costs starting from 300 euros .

7) Be faithful

Men who tend to take side steps often face erection problems. So often, doctors treating erectile dysfunction often ask their patients if they are cheating on their partner.

Unless you are in a polygamous or open relationship, you may feel a little guilty when you have sex with your partner. Guilt can become a cause for anxiety and can kill an erection.

8) Reduce the risk of diabetes

E- reaction dysfunction is common in people with diabetes (especially type 2 diabetes). The disease affects the penis with a double stroke: it speeds up the process of arterial disease and slows down the transmission of stimuli across nerves throughout the body. And, you will probably agree that an insensitive penis is not a happy penis.

There are various ways to prevent this, including proper eating and regular physical activity. And, of course, talk about this problem with your doctor.

how to get a stronger erection and keep it longer

9) Check your testosterone levels

Low testosterone levels do not directly affect the mechanisms involved in a man’s erection , but it does affect libido, making it harder to turn on – and the difficulty of keeping it tight. If you notice an abnormal drop in libido or any of these low testosterone symptoms , talk to your doctor, who will advise you on what to do.

10) Not so strong

One strong push at the wrong angle is all that is needed to damage the corpora cavernosa, or cavernous body that forms the base of the penis . Don’t believe us? Try to hit your mature penis against the tree trunk – its density is about the same as your partner’s pubic bone.

Complete rupture will require surgery within 24 hours to prevent internal bleeding and reduce the risk of damage. A partial rupture is not as serious, but it can cause problems later. When a rupture of the cavernous body heals with scar tissue, it loses elasticity – curvature, pain and eventually impotence develop.

According to various estimates, more than a third of impotent penis owners have had a “penis injury”. To protect yourself, be careful when your partner is upstairs. This is the posture that is most likely to lead to injury.

11) Enough sleep

Your penis needs as much sweet sleep as possible. Every night while you sleep, you have an erection that lasts three to five hours.

This erection is not just to make the life next door more interesting. It works to charge your penis – keeping it well supplied with blood oxygen.

Theoretically, the more night erections you have, the more flexible your erection tissues will become. And it can help maintain an erection over the years.

12) Medicines

If all else fails, erectile dysfunction can be treated with medications such as Viagra. Be sure to talk to your doctor about whether this option is right for you.

how to get a stronger erection and keep it longer

13) Trimix injection as

If traditional medicine does not work, there is something called Trimix. Vasodilators are injected into the base of the penis. It is actually less painful than it sounds, and the procedure is effective in more than 90% of men with erectile dysfunction .

However, although Trimix works great, you need to be aware of the complications. For some men, this erection can last for a very long time and become painful. If it lasts for more than 4 hours, you must seek emergency medical attention.

Information on the availability of Trimix in Latvia is not available.

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