
Anal sex – myths and untruths

Regardless of your gender, it is safe to say that more than once in your life you have encountered myths about one of the greatest taboos or anal sex of the Latvian people. Some of them are extremely stupid, but others make you look wide and put a huge cross on the introduction of anal sex in real life. What are the most common myths about so-called “bottom love” and is this event really as bad as it is? Let’s take a look behind the scenes of anal love.

Anal pleasures are painful

In our opinion, this is the most common and, at the same time, the most false misconception. Anal sex can be very enjoyable for both a man and a woman and provide indescribably enjoyable feelings that have never been experienced before. It is often the representatives of the beautiful sex who suppress concerns about the pain of anal sex, but this is only because this myth has a bad tendency to spread at the speed of light.

It should be noted that some inconvenience and concern may be caused by a partner’s inexperience in the process of anal sex foreplay. It takes time and patience, but it is definitely worth it.

“Anal Sex” gives orgasm only to males

Another myth that has gained widespread popularity is that anal games provide maximum enjoyment for men only. It must be said that orgasm in itself is a rather difficult topic, especially among women, but it could not be said that during orphan love, female orgasm is a rare phenomenon. On the contrary! Most women who have given birth to anal love games at least once in their lives admit that orgasm during anal pleasure is possible – it only takes time and proper stimulation.

Enema procedures should be performed before anal sex

The word “enema” sounds scary, will you agree, right? Various sites in the depths of the Internet claim that enema before engaging in anal sex is not recommended, but mandatory.

Down with enemas! This myth is absolutely untrue and there is no need to worry about getting dirty! Medical experts emphasize that it is practically impossible for a male member to come into contact with feces or pieces of feces because they are much higher in the human body than the place where a man’s belongings can reach.

Of course, a warm shower before and after anal sex will never go wrong and will help get rid of the bacteria found on the way.

Only women want to receive it

Who claimed that only women want to “get” anal penetration? That’s right – this type of sex can also please a man’s feelings! In fact, a man’s anal build is much more grateful to enjoy the pleasures of “bottom love.” What does that really mean? The man’s prostate is about half a finger (index finger) from the entrance to the anus, and stimulating it with one of the sex toys, or the aforementioned finger, may seem particularly pleasing to the man.

It is high time to abandon the stupid stereotype that only a woman can feel the role of a “recipient” of anal sex. Heterosexual men also enjoy the indescribable pleasure of the beloved woman’s touch in the anal area. What are you waiting for? Take action!

At the end of the article, it is only necessary to mention that anal sex is one of the things that should definitely be included in your “bucket list”. Yes, maybe someone will not like it or it will seem uncomfortable, but most will be excited about the newly acquired peaks of pleasure.

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