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4 types of men, that women abstain from

Last week, we found out 4 types of women, that men abstain from, but this time its men who are the better ones to hold on to? This time, inspired by “Glamor” and “Elitedaily”, we put forward four types of men that are better to avoid and not embrace as a husband.

The man will not change. Therefore, women, be careful if you encounter any of the following types of men:


It’s easy to fall in love with a shabby donut and fill his vacancy with a woman. In addition, men who want to collect women are well acquainted with the psychology of the soft sex and are able to play it in a variety of ways – from pity to fear maternal instinct… But! People do not change.

And if there are many unfaithful relationships in a loving biography and his phone is full of different “bunny” and “sunshine” numbers, it’s time for you to take your feet over your shoulders.

If such a man marries, nothing will change. A wife can create a family atmosphere in which he will feel an important personality, and the need to prove his worth will be slightly reduced.

Caught at the scene of a crime, such men do not feel guilty. If a wife can handle her husband’s side steps and if they are bound by something other than sex, marriage is possible. Therefore, it is better to “calculate” this type in advance and decide if it is suitable for you. And no silk robes or hair curlers will matter here


After the first date, he waited a few days and only then appeared, mysteriously looked, looked, and then returned to the party as if you were not even familiar. He disappears and reappears, playing “hot-cold”, criticizing you at one moment, and compliments at the next.

The game of a hunter and a game rarely ends with the beginning of a real novel – but these manners will not disappear anywhere.

“She can’t be said to be a manipulator, but rather a blackmailer,” Walter (24) says of his brother’s girlfriend with a smile on his face. “If she decides to go somewhere, they will go there too, because everything will always have an argument,” but when you do. ” I didn’t understand it that way at first, but now that I’ve understood it, I’m used to it, and it seems normal to me – everyone has their own nieche.


We feed ourselves with the illusion that a working man who has not worked and has not realized himself is masked by a great opportunity. But no matter how difficult it is to admit, the 30-year-old unemployed will not become 30 million owners.

A loser does not only mean a person who has been out of work for a long time, it indicates a certain type of character.

The loser likes to rationalize his inaction with some strange ideology, such as “all the rich are thieves”

Of course, not everyone has to have an amazing career and a huge bank bill. But the unsuccessful are different in that they are saddened by the success of others, they do not see everyone and everything, they do not believe in themselves and simply do not know how to earn money. Even a little.

With one woman he divorced because she went to live in America, with another – because her parents did not accept her, but someone else deceived her.… All his relationship ends unsuccessfully.


The wife was deceived because she did not want to miss the opportunity. There was a chance and cheated. Such men do not deny themselves anything in any area of ​​life, especially if it is possible to take something from life without undue effort.

They would not forgive themselves if a woman hinted at the possibility of intimacy, but they would not use it.

This category of men can have serious problems – rape insults, blackmail opportunities, because in most cases a man does not hide his side steps at all.

He does not need one permanent woman. The process itself is important to him – that it is spontaneous and unpredictable.

He will not create a fraud situation in particular. If there is intimacy – well, if not – you don’t have to either, because family relationships are not important to him.

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