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‘Blue balls’ – myth or truth?

Since ancient times, men have used the term ‘blue balls’. It is a sign of general sexual frustration . But if you’ve ever felt a sore feeling down there – or even noticed that your testicles are getting darker, now you know it’s not just an excuse to have sex. Blue balls can also affect a man physically – and this manifests as pain.

Men often complain of testicular pain, painful sensations at the base of the penis, a feeling of heaviness and a faint blue tone in the testicles. Maybe the symptoms of ‘blue balls’ are psychosomatic? And is it harmful?

Let’s take a closer look.

Is Blue Balls a fictional disease?

So is there any reason to worry about ‘blue balls’?

Let us explain one thing: although ‘blue balls’ are a fairly common phenomenon, short-term testicular pain will not cause any long-term damage. If you have sex and your orgasm stops for some reason , you may feel uncomfortable for a few minutes (or even hours), but that’s all.

There has not been much research on this topic in the past. We excavated from the internet one case study published in the journal Pediatrics back in 2000, which described in detail a situation in which a 14-year-old boy turned to the hospital for severe testicular pain after having a joke with his girlfriend (without ejaculation). But scientists admitted that they were not really sure who was responsible for causing the pain. This is because when reviewing the available medical literature, urology textbooks, and medical libraries, scientists were unable to find any official medical terms to describe “blue balls . “

We now have the official medical term for this unpleasant experience: epididymal hypertension .

FACT CHECK: Are 'Blue Balls' a Real Thing?

What actually causes epididymal hypertension?

This condition is caused by excess blood remaining in the testicles from an erection wave that is not followed by ejaculation. During arousal, blood begins to flow in the penis (ie, erection), testicles, and adjacent areas. When a man reaches orgasm / ejaculation, the blood returns to the body.

Symptoms of epididymal hypertension include pain, discomfort, severe sensations in or around the testicles.

There is also some evidence that prolonged sexual arousal leading to a non-shrinking hard limb can lead to a condition where some of the oxygen in a man’s blood is absorbed into the genital tissues.

This can lead to a bluish skin color in this area. But this usually only happens if there is some kind of circulatory blockage.

This can be caused by a medicine for erectile dysfunction or by devices that restrict blood flow, such as the penis ring , but this is unlikely to happen naturally. So, unless you’ve used Cialis or a new sex toy in the bedroom , your balls probably won’t actually turn blue – you might just feel a little uncomfortable.

Is there a cure for “blue balls”?

There is no research-based treatment for this condition. The fastest way to recover is ejaculation. Other ways discussed in the forums are applying a cold compress, avoiding an erection and then exercising of any kind.

Urologists explain that the only way to reduce this feeling is orgasm.

Should I see a doctor for this reason?

If you experience the symptoms of ‘blue balls’ for a long time, there is a possibility that they are not blue balls, but something more serious. The feeling of ‘blue balls’ (and the pain associated with it) is usually short-lived, and of course they should go away after you have ejaculated.

There are a number of problems that can include testicular pain, such as various infections or inflammations of the epididymal tubules, testicular infections, pain caused by kidney stones, various injuries, and other problems.

So if you have sex and don’t reach orgasm, chances are you’ll get ‘blue balls’. We recommend that you do not bother and still finish what you have started. But if the testicles hurt for a long time and masturbation does not help, then go to a urologist.

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