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Erotic games for a hot night

If you have decided to welcome the New Year with your loved one, we offer you a variety of erotic games for a particularly spicy night.

Truth or Dare

It’s a classic game that you’ve probably played at school, only without an erotic touch. Its rules are exactly the same. The participant asks the question “truth or dare” and the other player has to decide whether to answer the question or complete a task. Only in this case is it about sex. You can ask intimate questions, try to find out your partner’s sexual fantasies or give erotic challenges: striptease dancing, licking whipped cream from your body or masturbating in front of you. As the rules are adamant and the participants have to answer questions and complete tasks, this game will be a great opportunity to get to know each other better.


This is an extremely simple and popular erotic game that you can either buy in a sex shop or create your own (take two rolls of dice and give each point gifferent position and place to do it). Special sex dices can have different sex positions or tasks for foreplay, such as kissing neck, stimulating nipples, tying your partner, and so on. Each subsequent roll of the dice will indicate what the next step should be.

Card games with undressing

Choose any card game that you both like – poker, “21” and so on. Everything happens according to the original rules of the card game, only the loser has to take off a piece of clothing. If you want, you can diversify the game – when you are both naked, you can replace undressing with erotic tasks performed by the losing player.

Two minutes to ecstasy

This is a very simple and fun game that is especially suitable for foreplay. Use the timer set for 2 minutes. Agree that each of you will do what the other wants for the next 2 minutes. Only without objections and without time extension.


This is another classic game you will probably remember from your teenage years. Only then it was played by boys and girls who had to kiss each other. In this game, the bottle will turn in a completely different, very erotic direction. You will need a large sheet of paper, an empty bottle and a pen. Draw a circle twice the size of the bottle, divide it into six equal parts, and in each write some erotic activity or desire that can be done by both a man and a woman (for example, a French kiss, an erotic massage, oral sex, etc.). Rotate the bottle and complete the tasks at which the bottle stopped.

Erotiskās spēles

Sexy Twister

Remember the classic game Twister and all the acrobatic poses with players’ bodies bent? Now imagine playing it completely naked with your loved one. So all you need for this game is a Twister and an Eve or Adam costume. If you want to add more intrigue and excitement to the game, tease your partner by licking, kissing, tickling. And to have more fun winning, you can come up with a special task for the loser.

Fantasy game

If you are not brave enough to express your sexual fantasies to your partner, you can offer them this game. You will need a sheet of paper, a pen and a bowl. Each of you writes down three or five secret fantasies that you would like to try (it could be a new pose, sex in a public place, or trying a new sex toy) and throw them in a bowl. Then take the notes one by one and read them aloud. Your task is to fill them. Maybe not in one night, but promise each other in what time period it will be done. This erotic game will help you to be more open to each other and try new things.

Who did it?

This erotic game is ment for a larger company, making it perfect for sex parties or meetings with free-thinking friends. It must be attended by at least four people. You will need sheets of paper, a pen and a tray to hold the folded sheets.

At the beginning of the game, you have to prepare various provocative questions, such as “how many sex partners have you had?”, “The craziest place where you have had sex?”, “What is your wildest sexual fantasy?” etc. Each player takes turns reading aloud one question. All participants write down the answers and place them in a container. The same person who read the question shuffles the answers and give them to random players. Each player reads the answer and tries to guess who might own it. Such an erotic game will help to loosen up and get to know your friends better. Also, listening to different stories can give you ideas on how to diversify your intimate life.

Erotiskās spēles

Role play

This is a broad category of erotic games that depends on the imagination and readiness of each couple. The essence of the game is to change the usual, get into another role and play this role during the whole foreplay and act. You can be two strangers that meet at the bar, a teacher and a naughty student, a police officer, a nurse, a maid, and so on. Role-playing games fascinate people with the fact that they can be with someone for at least one night. This fact is often imaginative and gives you the courage to try things you would not normally think of or dare to do.


Sexting means sending and receiving sexually explicit messages, nude photos and videos. But it can also be easily turned into an interesting game. Agree with your partner that during the day everyone should complete the task assigned to them and send a confirmation over the phone. For example, you can ask someone else to take off their underwear and send you an erotic photo or a voice message saying inappropriate words. Such activities will make you look forward to the evening when you can finally meet each other.

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