
Erotic story: What To Do If You Haven’t Had Sex In a Year?

If you haven’t had sex in a year, or even longer than that, even after a long break women still have completely instinctive, animalistic desire to notice the strongest and most masculine male in a group of men.

People had already started to gather. She could not see them, but she could hear the growing chatter, along with the hollow drums sounds and the melody of bagpipes.

With fingers trembling from excitement, Mia finished wrapping the anklets and shoved her feet into low soft leather boots. It was still necessary to fasten the woven belt and deal with the brooches so that the dark blue cloak would stay in place.

– Take the crown! – Liv ran in, completely out of breath. – I also brought the rings. Hurry up!

– Wow, this thing is heavy! – Mia said when the crown snuggled against the linen headdress. – I don’t understand how I will survive with all those bronze rattles and layers of clothes – it’s about 30 degrees in the sun!

– And how did women cope with it in the old days? – Liv said, hastily helping her friend with the clothes, then took a step back and looked at her.

– Well, how do I look?

– Great! See for yourself!

Mia stood in front of the mirror. What she saw was seemingly well-known, yet strange woman in an archaeological folk costume, decorated with countless bronze jewelry.

– A real ruler, – Liv smiled approvingly and winked. – Your Lord will like it.

– The what? – Mia did not understand.

– Jake! I just introduced you, remember?

– I remember, I remember… the ruler of Jersika, – Mia smiled.


For several years now, a festival dedicated to history has been held here in the middle of summer, and every year the group of interested people came to watch. People gathered for two days to listen to folk music, taste different foods, watch craftsmans demonstrate their skills, buy some useful things from merchants, and watch an open-air performance. This year the festival was dedicated to the 13th century, and the performance was accordingly planned as a reconstruction of the event of that time. German crusaders attacked Jersika. Its ruler Visvaldis and his people defended themselves heroically, but lost the battle, and the invaders took the ruler’s wife captive. In order to get her back, Visvaldis had to pledge allegiance to Bishop Albert and become his vassal.

Just yesterday, Mia had thought that she would have fun in the audience, but then her friend Liv called – she was involved in organizing the festival’s performance – and desperately asked Mia to help her and jump into the role of the lords wife. The previous actress had unfortunately broken her leg, and according to Liv, no other beautiful, graceful woman who would not be afraid of public speaking could be found right now.

After a short discussion, Mia had agreed. She had to be introduced to the script. This morning she met the actors of other roles, and tried the play once. It was a simple role and didn’t require significant acting skills, but, a moment before the start of the performance Mia felt such a fever that she almost felt sick.


– Let’s start! – someone called out.

– Come on! – Liv hurried and dragged Mia with her.

There was a crowd of spectators sitting on the grass. There was a palace nailed together from some boards, actually – one of its walls. When Mia, holding hands with Jake, the ruler of the Jersika, stepped up to appear in one of the palace windows and waved royally to the audience, the decoration swayed dangerously, but, thank god, did not collapse.

Trumpet sounds announcing the approach of the enemy, and about twenty crusaders appeared in front of the castle. Bishop Albert and about five other swordsmen were riding horses, the others were running on foot, swinging their weapons in the air. The ruler of Jersika ordered his soldiers to defend themselves and drive out the enemy.

Mia had already seen them in previous festivals, but watching the fighters so close was something else. Metal clattered against metal, horseshoes and wooden shields clattered hollowly, men let out furious roars, battle cries, and the battlefield quickly got really hot, not just from the sun. She could hear the guys wheezing with effort, smell their sweat and feel the adrenaline building up.

– Hey, this is an excellent fight, – Liv smiled, standing next to Mia.

The audience also appreciated the realistic battle scene, giving the fighters loud cheers and applause.

According to the script, Mia – the ruler of Jersika – had to stand in the window of the castle and watch with fearful eyes how her husband was doing in the battle. However, she caught herself more than once that her gaze lingered longer on one of the horsemen. The dark-brown crusader, sitting on the back of a restless horse, held firmly and majestically in the saddle, with one hand tightly holding the harness, and with the other swinging his long sword.

His sword cuts were made with such force and skill that it seemed that the crusader was about to really injure or even kill someone. There was something devilishly dangerous and at the same time strangely captivating about this man’s movements, and Mia felt like she was watching some graceful predator. When someone like that goes out hunting, maybe it’s even a pleasure to become his prey, Mia thought, immediately feeling a little ashamed of her thought.

This is what it means if women haven’t had sex in a year!

She felt completely instinctive, animalistic desire to notice the strongest, stateliest and most masculine male in a group of men. Mia bit her lip to force herself to think about something else, but it wasn’t that easy. Especially since the skillful crusader was looking in her direction. The man’s face was completely covered by the helmet, and it was not even possible to see his eyes in its narrow gap, but Mia thought she felt the gaze of the crusader pass over her – close and appraising.


When most of the defenders of the castle were already lying motionless on the ground in pools of artificial blood, one of the attackers jumped up to the castle with a burning torch and set it on fire. Because the scenery had been swept with fuel before, mighty flames immediately shot into the air.

Visvaldis with the remaining defenders of the castle rushed to the boats to escape.

– What are you doing?! Let’s run! – Liv called out to Mia, who was still looking at the crusader.

Both of them, together with the other fleeing people of the castle, ran to the boats, shouting and wailing loudly. Mia felt almost truly scared, because the glow of the fire and the stinging smoke in her eyes only intensified the sense of reality conjured up by the cruel battle before. Mia ran as fast as she could, knowing full well that according to the script, the crusaders would immediately catch her and take her prisoner. She knew, but she screamed loudly in fright, suddenly feeling the grip of a merciless, heavy hand, which lifted her into the air, throwing her lying down on the back of a galloping horse. She was hanging upside down over a rider’s lap and heard the crowd gasp as her captor playfully yet hard slapped her ass with his palm.

Having galloped past the excited spectators with his trophy, the kidnapper turned his horse sharply, cut his heels into its side and galloped along the river, soon disappearing behind a small hill.

– Well, you can let me go now! – Mia called out. Hanging by the side of a galloping horse in such a humiliating position was no longer bearable. But the rider probably didn’t hear her, because he didn’t make the horse stop and didn’t let Mia out of his strong grip.

– Hey, are you deaf?! – she called out in a louder voice. – Let me go!

He still pretended not to hear her, the horse continued to gallop, and Mia was afraid to resist, lest, god forbid, she might fall and break something.

Suddenly, Mia felt the man’s hand touch her bottom and lay tightly on it again. This time it wasn’t a playful slap, the palm slowly and shamelessly squeezed one cheek.

The firm fingers slipped through the layers of fabric between the ass cheeks.

– Stop it! What are you doing?! – she screamed and tried to get free. It is better to fall off a horse than to be touched by some pervert!

The horse suddenly stopped, the rider grabbed Mia under her armpits and slowly slid down the animal’s warm side until her feet hit the ground. She glared at her captor. Looking up into the sun, a dark silhouette loomed above her on horseback. Mia instinctively wanted to run, but got tangled in the long brunches and fell. The ground rumbled as the rider jumped from his horse. He held out a hand to help her up, but Mia pretended not to notice and awkwardly stood up by herself.

Standing next to him, the man seemed massive. Only then she recognized him – it was the crusader she was watching on the battlefield.


– I saw how you looked at me earlier – his voice sounded hollow and defiant under the helmet.

– This does not give you the right to touch me, – Mia hissed furiously.

– I was just following the script, – he seemed to be smiling.

– Then our scenarios are fundamentally different!

She quickly turned and walked away, but the crusader grabbed her arm.

– Where are you going?

– Back! – Mia tried to get away.

– As far as I know, you don’t have to appear in the performance anymore. At this moment, Visvaldis is humiliated and falls on his knees in front of Bishop Albert and agrees to be his subordinate. The audience applauds and storms to their barbecue and beer tents. We don’t have to be there.

– What do you want? – she tried to sound mad, but rather she sounded nervous and scared. That’s exactly how she felt right now.

– Help me get out of the armor. It’s difficult…

Mia looked at him suspiciously.

– Pease? – the man added.

Hesitating a little bit, Mia reached out, grabbed the crusader’s helmet with both hands and pulled it off, intrigued to see what is beneath it. Dark blue eyes were staring at her, over which fell strands of dark hair. The strong chin and masculine jawline were covered with short beard. Damn he was hot!

– My name is Elijah – the crusader said.

– I’m Mia.

He unbuckled and tossed the arm guards into the grass, then did the same to the leather belt. After that he asked Mia to help him get out of the armor.

The body armor was made of tiny steel rings and must have weighed more than ten kilograms. Mia was amazed.

– How could you fight in that?

– I’m used to it, – Elijah replied and took off his sweaty linen shirt, revealing a brown tanned muscular torso to the sun and Mia’s eyes. A path of dark hair stretched over the flat stomach below the belly button, intriguingly ending at the waste line.

– You naughty girl! – the man’s voice sounded a little hoarse. He had followed Mia’s gaze.

– What are you talking about?! – she wanted to deny her actions, but she couldn’t turn away when the crusader got rid of his last piece of clothing and now stood in front of her completely naked, smelling like sweat of the battle and the heat of the sun, horse and musk. The predator revealed itself to the rabbit, unhesitatingly preparing to attack.

Mia thought that she could still leave. However, she didn’t want to leave. It felt so indescribably good to feel desired and wanted by a strong, handsome man. There was no doubt at the moment that Elijah wanted her.

In a thicket of dark, curly hair, his penis was thrusting towards her, obviously getting harder by the moment.

– I want you, – the crusader announced domineeringly, and his hands slowly and somewhat clumsily undid the brooches, freeing Mia from the cloak, long skirt, and her linen shirt.

– You don’t follow the style of the 13th century, – he sneered, giving a dark look of lust to her white lace bra and airy panties.

The crusader’s hands caressed her breasts covered in lace, cautiously at first, but then more and more confidently. Then, taking them out of the bra, he bent down to suck on her pink nipples, which had already become quite hard.

Mia stroked his hair, his scruffy, broad, muscular shoulders and gasped loudly as his hand caressingly slid down to dive under her panties. This man knew what he was doing, oh yes, and within moments the narrow strip of cloth between the woman’s legs was completely wet. His fingers continued to work rhythmically, and Mia’s knees wobbled. It became more and more difficult to stand. Sensing this, Elijah laid her down on the pile of clothes thrown on the ground. With impatient movements he freed her from her panties and spread her legs.

His sword was fiery hot and large, pleasantly filling and satisfying, forcing her to submissively follow his rhythm, finally dissolving into blinding white sunlight somewhere high, high above the fluffy summer clouds.


The horse, having already eaten the lush grass, interestedly bent his head between the noticeably shriveled sedges to see what those people were doing there for so long.

– Don’t peek! – the man’s voice growled, and the horse’s muzzle was mercilessly pushed off. The animal spluttered and went sideways. It is clear that no one will climb on his back for a while.

– You know, – Elijah spoke quietly in Mia’s ear, circling one of her nipples with his finger. – Next week, a similar festival will be held. I’ll be a Viking there. Will you come?

– No, – she smiled, fulfilled and satisfied. – I only sleep with crusaders…

There are things – intoxicatingly beautiful and astonishing – that a continuation would only mess up.

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