Love Advice… Only for women this time. They seem so obvious, but it is not always possible to follow these simple but effective tricks. If you want to know how to conquer any man, a lot of excellent advice will come in handy.
- Harmonious relationship. Do not rush to move to the next level in your relationship – let it develop gradually. By forcing events, you will force him to think about whether it is worth making a serious commitment before he has yet had time to fall in love.
- Don’t remind him of the past. Whether it’s ex-women or your personal problems, never use them in an argument unless you want to say goodbye to him.
- Be diverse and unpredictable. Men like women who act like queens in public and whores in bed.
Don’t blame yourself without a good reason. If something has gone wrong in a relationship, you should not consider yourself the root of the problem. Men do not like women who constantly sprinkle ashes on their heads.
- Listen to his opinion. Always listen to his opinion before raising a scandal. This will make you stop and think that perhaps your view of events is not the only possible way. But don’t be too lenient either.

- You are a team. There cannot be winners and losers in a relationship – you should always act and think in the direction of the common good, and not suffer heartache due to yet another disagreement.
- Take care of yourself. Sometimes it can be said that men cannot stand women who pay too much attention to their appearance. But a woman who knows how to take care of her looks is the object of all men’s secret dreams.
Do not get hysteric. Men run away from women who try to victimize themselves in every situation. You can afford to cause a little scandal every now and then, but then it must end in hot sex.
- Distrust kills love. Instead of being jealous every sweet moment, pay more attention to yourself, look your best and live life to the fullest – then he will want you even more and not waste time on others.
- No to complexes. Doubts about your appearance, body, clothes or social status live only in your head. Your man already loves you for who you are, so relax and be the best version of yourself instead of comparing yourself to others.

- Be his support in any life situation. A man should always feel your support and faith in his abilities. That is why they so often break up with those who see only their faults.
Men can’t read minds. Speak openly about your wishes if you want to be heard and understood, but never in a demanding or commanding way.
- Don’t get too relaxed. In a long-term relationship, it’s all too easy to forget the importance of keeping the spark alive. Be sexy, attractive, interesting and the same or even more attractive than the woman he once fell in love with.
- A man needs his space. Don’t try to take all of his time and attention out of fear that he’ll get bored without you or he’ll drift away. A man also needs time for himself, his friends and the rest of his life.

Don’t overdo it. Don’t try too hard to please him. He loves and appreciates a nice dinner or a perfectly pressed shirt, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it all the time. He should appreciate your love and care, not take it for granted.
Praise him. If a man has achieved something, appreciate it and give him a compliment, even if it’s something small. Then he will work even harder to earn your praise again.
Don’t hit him below the waist. Set yourself an eternal taboo for those phrases that (you must know) have hurt him the most. This includes any insults to his parents and children.
Emotional support. Let him know that you will support him emotionally as long as he needs it.
Don’t be silent. Ignoring your partner may seem like the best way to teach him a good lesson after a bad argument, but it actually makes him angrier and leads to real hatred.
You won’t change someone who doesn’t want to change. You can try and let him get to know you better and show him the right example, but if he really doesn’t want to change, then you have two options: accept his flaws or break up.