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How to increase or decrease penis size using sex toys?

There is no denying that penis size matters during intercourse. However, it should be noted that bigger does not mean better in all cases. People have different tastes, different sensory preferences and different physical capacities. A full-fledged and enjoyable act is possible with any penissize. The key to succeeding is finding the most appropriate position, stimuli, or aids to make the process easier and better. In this article, we will look at how to increase or decrease penis size using penis vacuum pumps and sleeves, as well as the opportunities they provide to improve the quality of the act.

Seksa rotaļlietu ceļvedis: kā palielināt vai samazināt locekļa izmēru

Vacuum pump for penis

Penis vacuum pumps are often associated with penis enlargement, but only in a few cases is this true. Vacuum pumps can be divided into two parts: vacuum pumps and hydraulic pumps.

Conventional vacuum pumps are applied to the penis and a special mechanism is used to extract air, which improves blood circulation, stimulating an erection and promoting sensitivity. As the blood flow to the member is improved and maximized, it may appear to have increased in size. However, physiologically, no more tissue is left and the size of the member has not changed.

These pumps can be used before an act to get an erection or for preventive purposes on a daily basis to reduce possible circulatory disturbances. These pumps are even recommended for men that have reached a certain age or to men who have difficulty getting a full erection if there is a problem with blood circulation.

If the problem is psychological or related to other health complications, then the pump will not be the solution. Usually, situations are much more complex and need to be approached from a number of angles, rather than trying to only fix the penis itself. Your penis is an indicator of the situation rather than a place to solve the problem. Especially in cases where there are heart problems. There will be no way to deal with this situation through the penis itself.

Hydraulic pumps are used with water. Water is poured into them, a penis is inserted and then the water is squeezed out under pressure, creating a vacuum that can increase tissue. Tissue cells that are subjected to such a load (negative pressure) begin to divide, creating additional tissue, and the size of the penis may become larger. For the effect to be noticeable, this process should be done regularly and quite often – several times a week or even every day. In addition, this process is not masturbation and can even be unpleasant. It is therefore important to carefully consider whether an increase in length is really necessary. If you ask women, most of them would choose additional clitoral stimulation for more pleasure than a larger penis in the vagina. A very good way is to use hydraulic pumps to stimulate blood flow and improve erections. Under the influence of water, the tissues are moisturized and respond better to stimulation and getting hard.

For best results, it is advisable to use pumps with a water-based lubricant and special creams that help with blood circulation. In the case of hydropumps, a gel that improves cell division and tissue growth should be used with them.

Women also have their own vacuum pumps. They are usually designed to increase the sensitivity of the labia and clitoris. They are placed on the vulva and air is pumped out of them, creating a vacuum effect in this area. This is usually done to make sex games more fun and further stimulation more intense. There are also pumps specially designed for the nipples, which make them more expressive and sensitive.

Here you can find the full range of toys described above.

Seksa rotaļlietu ceļvedis: kā palielināt vai samazināt locekļa izmēru

Penis sleeves

Quite often men want to use sleeves to achieve immediate enlargement of their penis. If it has been decided with the partner that they both want to try it, then the selection process will only have to focus on functional things. If you want to use the sleeve for more pleasure, but it is not fully discussed with your partner, then there is a risk that the sleeve may not have the desired effect or even cause discomfort. When choosing a sleeve, you need to know exactly what it will be used for.

Any of the sleeves will make you penis more or less wider. It is necessary to know exactly whether a larger diameter will have the desired effect. If the idea is to choose a sleeve just because of stereotype that bigger is better, then most likely the result will not be the best. Women usually prefer medium to small members (or toys) for vaginal penetration, and ladies rarely choose sleeves for their gentlemen. It should be remembered that women mainly benefit from clitoral stimulation. Those women who like vaginal penetration with larger penis sizes, however, make up the smallest proportion of all ladies together. Positions in which your penis is at the right angle to stimulate the G-zone are much more important for pleasure during vaginal sex. For anal games, the preferences of each individual are even more unique, so the need of penis sleeve and its type must be discussed with particular care by partners.

Sleeves with ribbed external part are intended for more intense vaginal or anal wall massage. It can even be more enjoyable during anal stimulation, as the vagina may be less sensitive to this stimulation, or quite the opposite – it may be rubbed too hard if the ribbed part of the sleeve is too rough, the material is too hard or not enough lubricant is used.

Attention must also be paid to the internal part of the sleeve. If the inside is completely smooth, then it will not give your penis any sensation and may reduce sensitivity and worsen erection. If the internal part is ribbed, your penis will be stimulated and sensitivity will not disappear.

If it has been decided with your partner that it is really necessary to extend you penis for more pleasure, then you should choose an extension sleeve. However, great care must be taken, as longer penis in vaginal penetration can also cause discomfort if her cervix. The cervical massage should be performed gently and with rotating movements.


  • The sleeve must be made of high-quality material. It should be soft or firm enough as needed. If the sleeve has a rubbery aroma or it’s sticky, then it will definitely not be the best option for people with particularly sensitive skin and people with allergies.
  • The sleeve should have an extra loop to secure it around the testicles. If the sleeve cannot be attached to the testicles, it will slide off. It will be easy to get out of the vagina, but it can be sucked deep into the anus.
  • Penis sleeves are NOT condoms! They cannot be used as contraception. The condom must be pulled correctly onto the penis and the sleeve pulled over.
  • Always use a water-based lubricant! It is recommended to use it both inside and around the sleeve, so that all contact with the body is comfortable for both partners and there is no unpleasant friction from the dryness anywhere.

Seksa rotaļlietu ceļvedis: kā palielināt vai samazināt locekļa izmēru

Length reducing penis sleeves and rings

There are also often situations where the exact opposite effect is needed – to shorten the length. In this case, no surgical procedure is required, instead you can use special buffers. They are like thick rings that reduce the chance of your penis entering the vagina or anus completely. This is a very simple way to avoid cervical injury if your partner’s penis is much longer than your vagina. Even with more active penetration, these restraining rings can create a pleasantly cushioning and springy feeling. They also cover the area that is covered with pubic hair and help in cases where the hair can cause discomfort.

Here you can see the best examples of sleeves.

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