
How to make a woman heat up so that the day ends with boisterous sex?

Men get aroused quickly (admittedly, most men can get an erection even if they see sexual content). It is a little more complicated with women. If you want to learn how to make a woman heat up and get in the mood, read this article.

According to the researchers, certain mechanisms need to be put in place so that a woman’s brain can produce a chemical that stimulates blood flow in the pelvic area, causing swelling of the inner and outer labia, and she feels a desire to indulge in the joys of love. Without medical education, it is difficult to understand the complex aspects of brain chemistry, on the other hand, there are many simple, mundane things that can make a woman get hot.

She will be excited about two things. First – start doing it outside the bedroom. When you have seduced your partner all day (instead of 15 minutes before undressing), there is a much greater chance that your partner will be ready to make love.

So try to make your woman feel loved, coveted, sexy during the day – then, while in the bedroom, she will really want you.

The second thing is to focus on intimacy and emotional connection. Sex is not just about the physical aspects, especially if your relationship is long-term. Female libido increases if she feels a connection with a man, feels loved, coveted, that’s when she really wants to make love.

Here are 12 ways to create an emotional connection with your partner and warm him up before going to the bedroom:

1. Join hands. Your partner has about 40,000 nerve endings in their hands. Feel free to take him by the hand when you walk across the street or watch a movie. Do it in society. It is a subtle show of attention that shows that you love your partner and are not afraid to show it to others.

2. Look into each other’s eyes. Seeing the eyes is a sensual activity, it is a reliable way to awaken lust. Vision is a powerful, effective way to feel complete intimacy.

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3. Embraces. People often say they want more physical attention from their partner than just sex. Embrace your partner. According to experts, hugs soothe and strengthen the bond. It is important to show that a partner is needed not only for sex.

4. Massage. Performs erotic massage for the partner. Massage relaxes the body and mind and promotes arousal. Take a look here: Erotic massage – tips on how to do it perfectly.

5. Flirt during the day by sending messages. Don’t try to cheer up your lady a few minutes before the intended pleasure – do it gradually, throughout the day. You know your partner better than anyone else, although if you don’t feel 100% confident, start with simple, innocent messages like, “I’m looking forward to being home in the evening.”

6. Water is a great thing. Take a walk along the sea, along the lake or river. Studies show that being near water relaxes and relieves tension in the libido-destroying nerves. It is probably no coincidence that advertisements for erectile dysfunction drugs often show how a couple walks along the seashore or looks at the ocean.

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7. Happy, exciting impressions. The activities during which the body produces adrenaline strongly activate us. Breathing becomes more frequent, the heart starts beating faster – it is also associated with sexual arousal. Carousels (why not?), Horror movies – it’s all exciting.

Couples who engage in a variety of enjoyable activities together can be proud of a better relationship with each other, which definitely moves to the bedroom as well.

8. Unleash her imagination. According to a study published in the Journal of Sex Research, women think about sex an average of 19 times a day. According to another study, one in three women is eager to try something in bed but is afraid or ashamed to tell their partner. There are many ways to encourage a partner to start such a conversation. You can watch a porn movie together (read more about it here: How to watch porn with a partner? Suggestions for a great evening! ) Give her an erotic novel. Or ask her if she would like to try something special, interesting in the bedroom.

9. Physical activities. Researchers have concluded that physical activity in a way prepares the human body for sexual activities. The neural network (the so-called sympathetic nervous system responsible for sexual arousal) is activated, making the body more sensitive to touch. Go running together, ride a bike, go to the gym. Physical activity is equivalent to activities in the bedroom.

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10. Help her in her daily work. According to a study, couples who clean the house together are more satisfied with their relationship. The author of the study points out that a man’s desire to help a woman in everyday work is comparable to a partner’s interest in him.

11. Sleep. Researchers at the University of Michigan have found that quality sleep promotes women’s libido. For two weeks, the participants observed and recorded their sleep and sexual desire. After these two weeks, the researchers found that in women, an extra hour of sleep the next day increased libido by as much as 14%. The study leader said: “The reason is probably biological. Sleep stimulates the production of sex hormones, which can lead to greater sexual arousal. ”

12. Watching romantic movies together. Dutch researchers say women are aroused by romantic movies. According to the author of the study, women’s sexual motivation is promoted more by the relationships shown than by the open sex scenes (which usually arouse men).

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