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Kamasutra – more than just a book of sex positions

Kamasutra is not just a book of sex positions that parents hide from their children in the darkest corner of the bedroom. Kamasutra means much more than just sex. The etymology of this word comes from the Sanskrit language. “Kama” means “passion, pleasure, love, or sex,” and “sutra,” when translated directly, means “thread,” but has a different, broader meaning: “text.” So “kamasutra” can be translated as “the text of love” or “teaching of love.”

A little bit of history

It is not known exactly when Kamasutra was written, but historians suggest that it may have been around 300 BC. The place where the book was written is also unknown, but it probably happened in the north of India. No original pages have survived to this day. The author of Kamasutra is mentioned in all sources as Vātsyāyana.


The structure of the book

Kamasutra is a very large tractate. It is compiled from many of the authors’ teachings written in the abstract, making some parts of the book even difficult to translate into English or other languages. Kamasutra consists of 7 large parts, which are divided into separate chapters (there are 36).

The main parts of the book:

Dattaka – basic principles

In the first, introductory part of the book, four goals of Hindu life are considered, but in this part – the most important goal of Kama (love). It contains many philosophical teachings on how to acquire knowledge, wisdom, and live with honor.


Suvarnanabha – love and sexual union

Information and visual material can be found in the second part of the book. The author Vātsyāyana believed that there are 8 different types of love, and each of them has 8 positions, so here are 64 different types of sexual acts, such as hugs, kisses, different sex poitionss and other types of erotica.

Ghotakamukha – “obtaining” a wife

The third chapter deals with lonely life and the search for a wife. The methods described are not entirely appropriate for our time and are largely based on astrological compatibility and the benefits of marriage for the families involved (caste systems).


Gonardiya – the duties and privileges of the wife

These are the responsibilities of the wife – cooking, housekeeping and other household chores. These one-sided gender roles may have been important 3,000 years ago, but in today’s world they are no longer so clear-cut.

Gonikaputra – friends and family

The fifth section describes the relationship between men and women that is not related to sexual intimacy. It involves understanding one’s own feelings and those of others, forming and strengthening emotional connections.


Charayana – courtesans

The sixth part looks at how men use premarital services to increase self-confidence. Here are some tips on how to get along with ex-lovers or friends, how to help yourself become rich and what to look for in a future partnership.

Kuchumara – occult practices

Kamasutra’s book ends with a chapter on occult sex practices, myths and legends. This chapter is about seduction, perfume making, their use, various remedies for sexual dysfunction and so on.

Diversity of intimacy

The Kamasutra tractate calls for a much broader and deeper view of intimacy and sexual intercourse. A kiss is not just a kiss, a hug is not just a hug, they have many different forms, they can come from passion or from a friendly relationship. For example, Vatsyayana’s book looks at 8 different forms of “alingan” (forms of a hug). The first four express mutual love, but they do not have a sexual touch. The remaining four are for foreplay and sexual intercourse.

Another example of the intimacy forms is kisses (chumbanas). The book names as many as 26 different kisses. In the beginning there are those whose aim is to show respect, affection, and then there are described passionate kisses among loved ones. There is also talk of cultural differences in kissing in different parts of India.


Positions for beginners

Although for some Kamasutra sex positions may seem like the most difficult acrobatic tricks, we recommend trying at least some. In this way, you will diversify your sex life, discover each other bodies, experiment, and often this is exactly what is missing in relationships. Let’s look at different positions that you can try.

Standing positions;center,top&resize=320:*

Sammukha – at first glance, this position does not seem simple, but it is perfect for beginners. The partner leans against the wall, spreading her legs, and the partner enters while standing in front. This position slightly “reduces” a woman’s height, so she may have to stand on a step.;center,top&resize=320:*

Yanukurpara – standing while having sex is often considered very uncomfortable, but this position is definitely worth it. Lift your partner behind their buttocks and she hugs your neck. This posture allows you to experience extremely deep penetration and maintain eye contact, thus helping to create an intimate bond.

Interaction, Magenta, Love, Romance, Illustration, Active pants, Graphics, Salsa, Dance, Balance,

Tripadam – this position is perfect if you don’t have much time for sex. It does not provide such a deep penetration, but gives a short and quick pleasure. Both partners are facing each other. The man grabs the partner’s knee and picks it up. The woman wraps her leg around her partner’s hip and holds it firmly to him. By the way, this position is most suitable for partners of similar height.

Interaction, Love, Romance, Graphics, Drawing, Kiss,

“Milk and water” – get on your knees on the edge of a chair or bed, your partner will get on your knees behind you. In this position, the differences in the height of the partners are not significant at all. If your partner is a woman, you can easily stimulate the inside of her clitoris, breasts or thighs.

Sitting positions

Elbow, Knee, Exercise, Circle, Balance, Illustration, Active pants, Physical fitness, Graphics, Symbol,

Piditaka – this position is very comfortable and gives an unusual pleasure to both partners. One partner lies on their back with knees at their chest, supporting their feet on the other partner’s chest. Other one kneels in front, lifts their partner’s hips and makes movements.

Elbow, Knee, Exercise, Waist, Physical fitness, Ankle, Balance, Illustration, Surfing Equipment, Barefoot,

Virsha – a position in which one partner is lying on their back, the other is sitting on their lap, turning their back. The sitting person can bend over and hold on to the ankles of their partner. This position looks really simple, but in reality it requires a lot of strength. Translated from Sanskrit, “virsha” means ox.

Carmine, Illustration, Graphics, Drawing, Symbol, Balance, Tail, Exercise,

Indrani – This sex position is named after the wife of the supreme Hindu god Indra. The partner lies on their back, pulling their knees to their chest. The other kneels in front of their partner and makes movements. You can use your hands for support. This position gives a very deep penetration, so be sure to watch your partner’s reaction.


It is false to think that Kamasutra is only about sex and different sex positions. This tractate covers all the most important areas of life and reading it will change your lifestyle in a positive direction.

People often believe that the positions described in the book can only be performed by very flexible and physically strong people. While some of them may seem quite extreme, many will not require more flexibility than average. Most importantly, always listen to your partner and if you feel discomfort or pain, try another position.

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