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One night stand: things worth knowing about

Have you ever enjoyed a one night stand? Maybe you keep thinking about it but don’t know where to start? Have you ever wondered if it’s really worth it?

The answers to these questions are very individual, and whether it’s worth having an overnight stay depends on each individual, but most importantly, there must always be mutual consent, and remember, safety comes first!

This time, let’s explore what might be hidden behind the desire for a one night stand experience, and how it should prepare for everything to go smoothly.

Why do people choose one night stands?

We humans are social beings. We all have our own way of building relationships: be it friendship, love or a working relationship, and maybe a relationship without any commitment. Since relationships are one of a person’s basic needs, their absence creates a strange feeling of discomfort or emptiness.

The more we lack relationships, the more we think about them and try to meet that need.

Even though there seems to be no place or time in our lives for close relationships, our bodies still long for intimacy. The most common reason for an overnight adventure is the desire for simple intimacy.

What to consider before starting such a relationship?

one night communication

Before we begin, it is important to think about what needs we will meet in this relationship and what we really want – whether it will be just physical intimacy associated with simple intercourse, or whether we expect greater intimacy and warmth. It is also important to assess whether such a relationship is in line with our views and values.

If we are convinced that sex is the decision of only two people who love each other, one night’s stand will definitely cause inconvenience.

Another aspect to consider is security. This is not just about safe sex, which should definitely be taken into account, but also whether you will feel safe with this person, whether the environment is suitable, whether you will be able to relax in it and really enjoy the process and feel pleasure.

What should be discussed with a potential partner in advance?

How to Land a One-Night Stand - AskMen

All the things that are important to you before the one night adventure will most likely be important to your partner as well. Some maybe less, others more. You can always ask questions – do we really do it all without any commitment? Or do you think that we meet only to meet the needs of our body? As in all life situations, it is important to talk and hear each other.

Ask each other where you would like to meet, what environment would satisfy you both, what pleasures or actions you expect from each other.

Of course, spontaneity is also one of the most exciting and engaging parts of overnight communication, so you can leave as much mystery as you want.

What to do if you are still emotionally attached to your partner?

Man as a whole is not only a social being, but also one who is attached to things, places and, yes, other people, so it is normal for us to be attached even to those partners who can only have one night’s adventure. We allow each other to touch our body, we are physically close, so we often feel emotional intimacy.

It is very useful to ask yourself – am I attached to the person myself, or just to the feeling I have experienced? Of course, if the experience has been positive, we will want more. The only question is, do we imagine this joy just with this partner or any other? If the answer is to the first option, then it would be advisable to talk to this person – maybe he / she will feel the same way, and this will be a starting point for a closer relationship. And if the other doesn’t feel the same way, maybe it’s worth replacing this adventure with something more appropriate.

What to do if you are afraid to get pregnant from one night stands?

Very simple – beware. This significantly reduces not only the risk of pregnancy, but also the fear itself. However, if the fear of security still does not disappear, it is worth pondering and asking yourself, will this adventure bring me more joy, or fear and anxiety? Will I really be able to just relax and indulge in the adventure, or will it be overwhelmed by fear? You may also find a solution to these questions.

What to do if guilt arises the next morning?

Recovering an Item After a One-Night Stand — Tips and Advice

If you wake up the next morning with guilt or regret, first, remember yesterday. Think about the feelings you felt. Think about the moment you decided to do it. Maybe it was exactly what you needed, what you really wanted.

Also, don’t forget that sex is a person’s natural desire and need, and it’s not terrible or confusing.

Guilt in such situations usually arises when our actions conflict with our or our partner’s values ​​or beliefs. Guilt is normal. Try to think about the pleasant feelings that were experienced. And finally: all the feelings we experience are natural and give us something. Even if they are not pleasant, maybe they just give us an experience. Understand your negative feelings and get rid of them.

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