An orgy is a slightly unusual but extremely hot way to spend time. Not everyone dares to try, but group sex is not for everyone either. Even after participating in orgies, people are not always familiar with all the possibilities of this “format”. However, people who are not ashamed to reveal their sexuality and enjoy sex to the core always find opportunities to diversify it and escape the routine. Those who are interested in orgies or are already guests of such parties will find stories from the mouths of people who have participated in orgies in this series of articles.
It was the best sex of my life
All my life, my friends considered me a “lame”. Most of the guys probably thought so too, their eyes didn’t linger long on my boring appearance. I never imagined that I could have a beautiful figure, I didn’t trust my body. But during sex, everything turned upside down. As soon as the man entered me, I felt like I lost control of my entire body. A crazy, sex-hungry sociopath took over the reins of management, but the quiet gray mouse with a degree in journalism was left on the bench.
Although I was well past 30, I never doubted for a moment that the best sex was yet to come. I’ve had a lot of fantasies since high school, but I hardly talked about them because “50 Shades of Gray” hadn’t come out yet and I was raised to believe that a woman shouldn’t even talk about sex. So when my friends got married, their stories of sexual adventures became less and less frequent, but they didn’t seem unhappy about it. It would be unacceptable for me to live like this, but I was happy for them. Sex is an extremely important part of my life, so I could not live without it. Sex should be varied, not boring. I wanted new partners and lots of orgasms, sharp sensations and anything that felt intimate or at least a little hot.
By my 35th birthday I had only had 3 partners and felt like I hadn’t fulfilled my potential.
The first was my fiance who left me for someone else, and the second and third were steady lovers who I dated for a few years. When my third and I went our separate ways, I started to look at my life in a completely different way, I better understood my needs and what I want from life. And I wanted a lot of sex!
It happened that work took me abroad, to London. Around the same time, my sexual renaissance took place. I knew English well, so it wasn’t really any problem to communicate or find friends. Over time, I developed a permanent friendship with a woman who was quite ‘loose’ and always joked that she had slept with more men in a week than I had in my entire life.
One night we had a drink and bet who would sleep with more men in a year. She laughed and said she could only count half a year’s ‘catch’, but I told her to stick to the rules. That same night I went home with two different men and had passionate sex. I felt a huge surge of confidence. Later I started corresponding with one of these guys. Turns out he was a swinger. We met a lot. He kept talking about wanting others to watch us so I could watch him with other women and he would watch me with other men. There was not only attraction between us, but also an indescribable desire to make love. We wanted to try everything.
So we come to the fateful day when he offered me a little ‘group event‘. Five women, four men. They all knew each other except me. I felt a little uncomfortable. I dressed very sexy (short tight skirt, red high heels, blouse with a neckline, lace underwear).
My friend, seeing me, asked where is his girlfriend. You could tell he enjoyed it as he “fingered” me in the car all the way to the party.
When we got there, his friends received me very kindly. The evening went like a normal party. Everyone was dancing, drinking, talking, laughing, socializing. The thought that something else will happen here disappeared for a moment. I innocently went to get more champagne and saw a couple caressing each other. The man’s hand was under her dress and she was working her hand shamelessly down the front of his bare pants. I was in mild shock. They heard me, turned, giggled and told me to come. Both gently touched me and asked if this was my first time. Suddenly I also felt my friend, who was looking at me from afar. His eyes were shining. As the three of us kissed and caressed, he started playing with himself in the corner. I got wet. I wanted not only him, but also that woman, that other man. It didn’t matter who was going to fuck me anymore, I felt like an object of desire, that someone really wanted me. I’ve only felt that way a few times in my life, so I enjoyed every moment. That girl’s companion (perhaps her husband, perhaps a boyfriend) said something to her and she quickly ran to my friend. There were two of us left.
They started cuddling and I focused on the man next to me and his ‘hard thing’. Even though it happened a long time ago, I remember everything like it was yesterday. I gently reached out and continued what his girlfriend had started. He whispered the dirtiest things in my ear, which turned me on even more. A few moments later we were making love just standing up and I could hear the rest of the party on both sides moaning, screaming, gasping.
The whole combination of sound, smell, wet bodies and my fleeting fantasy created such an atmosphere that I finished 2 times in a few minutes in the first position alone.
This was usually not the case. My whole body was shaking, I felt vulnerable but stronger than ever. I was being used like a toy and I wasn’t going to stop for a second. In the end, while I was on top, the guy finally finished me and I got compliments on the great energy. It was great, but I wanted more. Everything was better than I had expected, but I was still “green” and out of excitement I asked him if he was okay with me joining the others. He laughed and told me not to hesitate.
I joined another couple and a girl who was with them. They had toys. At first I had to be “baptized” and give a deep blowjob to a guy. He then fucked me while the girls used toys and stimulated my clit. Although I suspect it was no longer than 10 minutes, I climaxed more than 5 times before I stopped counting. After the second “O”, all the action somehow faded into the background, I only heard the girls’ laughter, his moans and felt him thrusting and pulling, thrusting and pulling. It seems that some kind of enlightenment happened at that moment. It was more than just an orgasm.
We finished the activity and went our separate ways. My “friend” said that everyone really liked me. I will be grateful to him all my life, because the best moment in my life was my very first orgy, which I will remember all my life. By the way, I won a bet with my friend, and by a double digit number.😊