
Self-satisfaction and the risk of infection

Self-satisfaction – onanation, masturbation. Self-satisfaction is based on various expressions of tenderness that are used to achieve sexual arousal and satisfaction.

The word “self-gratification” is the most appropriate term, because literally translated from Latin, the word masturbation means “shame on the hands.” Hands are not always used to satisfy oneself. Some do this by rubbing along the sheet with an object using a shower jet.

As a result of self-satisfaction, a person enjoys, relieves tension, and enjoys sexual satisfaction. Only old-fashioned people find it reprehensible and reprehensible. Self-satisfaction is one way of satisfying sexual desire, especially when there is no regular sexual partner. Some start self-satisfaction as a boy and continue to do so throughout their lives. Some start doing this at puberty, others at an older age. And there are those who have never done so. For many men and women, orgasm with self-satisfaction is physically stronger than having sex. This can be explained by the fact that you know and feel better what and how to do it to get more pleasure, which often your sexual partner cannot know and feel.

How often a person engages in self-satisfaction depends on the person himself, his mood, and situation. Some are satisfied every day, others once or twice a week, others more or less often. Although complacency is a normal physiological process, it should be noted that complacency can also be a manifestation of neurosis.

People for whom sexual activity serves to reduce or eliminate anxiety, restlessness (a form of neurosis) become very nervous, easily aroused if they cannot be sexually satisfied for a period of time. Neuroses can be based on many different reasons – not accepting one’s sexual orientation, lack of love and understanding from the people around us, lack of a permanent partner, etc.

Self-satisfaction is the safest form of sex during which it is not possible to become infected with HIV / AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) if you do it alone and you do not have contact with your partner’s semen or vaginal secretions. If you and your partner satisfy yourself individually, but your partner ends up on you (sperm gets on your skin or mucous membranes), there is a certain risk of getting HIV / AIDS and STDs (syphilis!).

There may also be some problems with complacency. In men, the most common complaints after complacency are foreskin edema. The foreskin becomes thicker and it is difficult to pull it over the head of the penis. This can occur in cases where complacency has been prolonged over time. Microtraumas occur in the foreskin of the penis, in which microorganisms enter the inflammatory process. It may also indicate a chronic inflammatory process in the urethra.

Frequent complacency (several times in a row) can lead to genital muscle overload, which can lead to atony of these muscles. It usually develops when the muscles of the seminal vesicles and prostate are overloaded regularly. As a result, ejaculation (sperm ejaculation) is disrupted – there is no normal – spontaneous ejaculation, but after orgasm, the sperm slowly flows out of the urethra.

Regular pressure on the urethra during ejaculation to prevent sperm from splashing out during orgasm can damage the bladder sphincter. The sperm is pushed into the bladder by force during ejaculation. This can lead to the relaxation of these muscles and urinary incontinence – urine will flow out of the bladder arbitrarily.

When it comes to self-satisfaction, mutual masturbation (deep petting) should be mentioned, when the partners are sexually aroused and satisfied by touching and stroking the partner’s genitals with their hands. If your partner’s semen or vaginal discharge comes into contact with your skin or mucous membranes (mouth, penis head, anus), there is a risk of becoming infected with HIV / AIDS and STDs.

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