
Sex too often? How does it change relationships?

Sex is clearly an integral part of a healthy relationship. When it’s too rare, one of the parties can start protesting and the relationship can break down. However, what if sex is too common? Let’s look at how this can affect a couple’s relationship.

Romance disappears. At first, everything may seem beautiful and romantic, but unwillingly, if you have sex every day, the romantic relationship may slowly disappear. There will simply not be enough time for them anymore. If you know how to combine romance and love, then this is great! However, over time it may start to get harder. Romantic ideas may be lacking. So all that remains is sex. And even if it is colossal, sooner or later a woman’s nature will make itself felt.

You will start to lack the former romance, even if simple, open conversations with your other half. This in turn can lead to disagreements.

The real pleasure disappears. Don’t let those special, beautiful, enjoyable moments that take over you every time you are with your loved one disappear. If you have sex too often, like every day, then you may begin to underestimate the pleasure you give each other. You will be used to having the same thing every night, day or morning. In time, your imagination will start to flourish and you may no longer be able to appreciate their true passion. Everything will seem like a generally accepted norm. Relationships need surprises, including sex!

Threats to women’s health. Yes, it is also possible to have sex too often. If you have decided not to get out of bed all weekend, then take into account the possible consequences – inflammation of the urinary tract. For a woman, the urinary tract is closely linked to her reproductive system. So, if bacteria get into the vagina, then they also get into the urinary tract.

If you have sex very often, then the body will not be able to fight these bacteria and inflammation may develop.

To reduce this possibility, it is recommended to use a lubricant during lovemaking, which will prevent irritation. However, if inflammation cannot be avoided, it should be completely cured to rule out further development of the disease. Like it or not, any illness also affects the relationship with the other party. Sometimes less, sometimes more. If you know that frequent sex can affect both your health and your relationship, why take the risk?

Routine. Who likes it? There are everyday things in which routinely help to organize everything on the shelves. However, sex is unlikely to be where it is needed. Sooner or later, one of the couples will start to bother with uniform sex. Its frequency can certainly affect a couple’s relationship. You know how it will all start. You know what will follow and you know how it will end. But sex with a small secret would be more interesting, wouldn’t it?

Listen to yourself. If, however, you like to have a sex marathon from time to time, then do it! This is not a bad thing. It is bad if you do it against your will. Listen less to other people about the fact that a sex marathon will give your relationship a new breath, and listen more to yourself.

If you don’t want to, but force yourself, you will do even more damage to the relationship.

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