Do you feel that your partner has been responding rather slowly to your sexual intentions lately? Sexologists explain that communication is the foundation of a great intimate life. However, if you start talking about this topic right after sex, she may feel compelled to protect your feelings, claiming that everything is fine, when in fact your sexual routine as a couple has become boring and frustrating for her. There are several signs that your loved one is not happy with your sex life. What are they and what can be done about it?
Excuses, excuses
Everyone experiences periods when they do not feel particularly in mood. This can be due to many factors: stress at work, loss of confidence, hormonal changes, depressed mood or simply exhaustion. However, it may be that she just finds sex life boring, so she has found other priorities.
It doesn’t matter to her if she has an orgasm
Statistics show that women take an average of about 20 minutes to reach a climax. If she thinks that an orgasm is not worth 20 minutes of sex because the sex itself has become boring, there is a reason to worry. If you feel like she’s completely ignoring the fact that she didn’t had an orgasm during your last intimate session, and this happens more than once, it can give your lady apathy about sex, and it’s definitely time for both of you to make some changes in bed.
She prefers to masturbate rather than make love to you
Clearly, masturbation is not a negative phenomenon. But if masturbating becomes a higher priority than having sex with you, you will have problems in the long run. How to change it? A woman who knows how to do it without you will have a lot of information to share about how you can make her happy. Use it! One way is to ask her to show you how she does it. If she starts masturbating and watching porn, ask her to show you some clips and tell her exactly what she likes in them. And all you have to do is put theory into practice.
She criticizes you daily
While she may not want to discuss your performance in bed, she may be criticizing other aspects of your life. Maybe she criticizes your appearance, the way you do your work, or the way you do things at home. Increased nervousness and criticism can be directly related to sex life. Pay special attention if your lady starts comparing you to her ex-partners. Don’t be offended, talk to her and act to improve the situation!
She teaches you how to move during sex
When a woman knows what she wants and what she likes in the bedroom, it is only but great. However, if she often begins to control your moves and what you are doing, it may indicate that you are not listening to her wishes. If it seems that she is teaching you from the very first movement, you may not be aware of what is happening. Learn how to turn your wife into a sex goddess and try to really listen to what she says.
She thinks about other stuff during sex
At best, sex is an activity that has no past or no future – it’s just thoughts, emotions and feelings that travel through your nervous system at that moment. It will never happen like that if you will think about the list of things to do during the day. If you sometimes feel like she’s out of time during sex, it’s possible that your sex life will need a new spark.
She avoids physical contact
If you make a woman feel satisfied, she will want to be near you and will want to touch you. However, if you focus solely on getting your pleasure or your performance is dim, she will rather turn to the other side and fall asleep after sex than hug you.
She is really unhappy
A woman is sexually dissatisfied if she does not find sex pleasurable, engaging or inspiring. Over time, she will want less and less sex. Dissatisfaction arises when she wants sex to be different, but it doesn’t. Sometimes a sexually dissatisfied woman thinks it’s because her partner is doing something or not doing something in the bedroom. And so it can be. Sometimes she thinks it’s because she’s not sexy enough. And it is definitely not so! Sometimes she thinks it’s because you’re not doing well as a couple. It can also be part of the truth.
What to do about it?
It is important for men to keep in mind that sex and intimacy can be two different things. It has been scientifically proven that intimacy is much more necessary for women than for men. The woman herself should not pretend not to care about sex. Women care about sex. As much as men.
Talk to your partner and let her know that it is up to you both to develop her sexual satisfaction.
How can you know what she likes?
Think about what happens during sex that helps her achieve pleasure? It can be oral sex, a body massage or maybe it’s time for conversation, dancing or dinner together. Sex is, in a way, a game for which both partners are responsible. Do you want your lady to be happy? Then talk to her and act!