
Spit or swallow? That is the question.

Whenever you give a man oral sex, there comes a time when your partner is preparing for the climax, and you have to decide what to do with it. Some prefer to end the partner out of the mouth; others make a choice between “spitting or swallowing”.

Many people feel unnecessary pressure on the final decision. In fact, that could be why you came to read this story. Our culture has attached certain strange, sexual meanings to whether you spit or swallow sperm. There is this idea that “naughty” people who really like sex (and understand it perfectly!) Choose to swallow, while more shy people choose to spit. It has come so far that anyone who always chooses to swallow is almost or crowned. The truth is that unless you and your partner are very passionate about this technique, swallowing or spitting will not significantly change the overall experience of oral sex.

There is also a lot of conflicting information about swallowing sperm. On the one hand, no one will definitely get pregnant. Second, it won’t make you gain weight. The Men’s Health portal says that most estimates show that there are 1 to 5 calories per ‘sperm serving’. It is also not a very good substitute for a protein shake. One study found that the average protein concentration in semen was 5,040 milligrams (mg) per 100 ml. Since on average about 5 ml of sperm is shot during orgasm, this means that there is about 250 mg per ‘serving’.

Urologist Jed Kamintsky provides answers to any questions you may have about spitting or swallowing.

Most importantly, spitting and swallowing is an equally risky activity. Nothing is 100% safe when it comes to sex, and that includes oral sex. No matter what sex you have, you should also have a health check-up, and safe sex practice is the best way to reduce your chances of getting an STI. A urologist explains that oral sex increases the chances of throat cancer; It is thought to be caused by HPV of the throat, whether or not you have ejaculated in your mouth, so be careful and check your health regularly.

Is there a risk to health from spitting and swallowing sperm? Is any of the options riskier?

If you and your partner have a monogamous relationship and have been tested for STIs (sexually transmitted infections) and HPV, there is very little risk of sperm spitting or swallowing. However, if you are unsure, there may be a possibility that it can be passed on during oral sex (whether you spit or swallow).

Does sperm in the mouth increase the chances of getting certain STIs, such as oral gonorrhea? Is it safer to have oral sex and ejaculate outside the mouth?

Gonorrhea is spread only through body fluids. If the sperm enters the mouth, there is a chance of getting it. However, herpes and HPV can only be contracted by oral sex (without sperm). Chlamydia can also be transmitted through semen.

Can swallowing sperm cause indigestion?

No, it should not cause indigestion.

Does Sperm Swallowing Benefit Your Health?

There is no benefit in swallowing sperm.

Some people claim that what you eat affects the taste of your sperm, such as eating pineapple makes it sweeter. Is it true?

If that is true. Pineapple juice can make sperm taste sweeter. More importantly, a good healthy diet, drinking water, and avoiding cigarettes can positively change the taste and quality of sperm. Choked sperm may indicate swelling of the prostate gland, and if you think this is your case, you should see a doctor.

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