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What is sexting and how to do it properly?

How much do you know about sex? Have you ever used It to take flirting with a loved one or a stranger to the next level? It is the 21st century and although sexting has not been new for a long time, its popularity and use are still growing. Sekss.lv invites you to get acquainted with this Anglicism and follow the basic principles of safe sexing!


What is this beast?

Let’s get to the basics – what does the word “sexting” really mean? Sexting is derived from two separate words, “sex” and “texting”. Simply put, it is correspondence via text messages or various Internet applications, which is inherently rather obscene and focuses on heating up ones and the correspondents.

One of the essential components of sexting is naked, erotic photos and / or video footage.

When and how to use it?

Although sexting is not a newcomer to our modern world, the COVID-19 pandemic has given it a whole new dimension. Why? Sexting is a safe way to masturbate remotely and does not require physical close contact, which could result in unwanted infection.

Sexting is universal – it’s a great way to refresh an existing relationship that may have been a bit of downtime (read-routine). However, if you have met your lover very recently, you need to understand when and how to properly start this obscene message exchange.

For example, the start of sexting from the “blue air” should be avoided as much as possible. This theme needs to be “warmed up”, ie the level of eroticism should rise naturally – rarely will a girl be enthusiastic about your friend’s selfishness without any prior warning. It would be advisable to start sexting in a playful mood. For example, if a girl invites you to sip an alcoholic beverage, add that she definitely wants to make you drink to be lured into bed later. Such a turn will be gentle enough not to intimidate the beauty, as well as make her cheeks (and other parts of the body) flush a little.

Examples of excellent sexting

If you’re not sure how to get started with this seductive topic, take a look at the examples below:

  • “Honey, I often sink into fantasies about how I caress your back and slowly exhale warm air on your beautiful neck”;
  • ” Do you want to tie my hands and do whatever comes to mind? I’m ready for that! ”;
  • “I must admit that I have behaved badly – how will you punish me for that?”;
  • ” This morning I read an article about orgasm during anal sex. Are we trying? ”;
  • ” You are so sexy that I no longer have the usual dreams. Since we met – they are quite wet! ”;

Don’t forget about emoticons


Put behind the ear that great sexting is maximally visual. People love with their eyes, but that doesn’t mean you can make up for it with erotic pictures. The text of an erotic text message must be thoughtful and kitschy – give it the right mood with the help of emoticons!

In case the emoticons are not on your strength, look and remember the most useful ones. To create the right mood, it will be useful to:

  • Eggplant emotion – reminiscent and symbolizes a male member. Include this emoticon in your text when you want to make your loved one understand that you are aroused and your member is ready for battle!
  • Peach emotion – peach most often denotes a woman’s bottom. If this erogenous body area is especially expressive for your lady, feel free to point it out to her.
  • Fireworks / Salute Emotion – This emoticon indicates your level of erotic arousal. Use it when you are ready to let the beauty know that the orgasm is just around the corner!

Think about security!

Before starting a hot conversation with a lady, remember that sexting also has its own basic principles of safety. First of all, the exchange of obscene images in applications such as Whatsapp and Viber should be avoided as much as possible. Note that all images (including those you have deleted from the app) are stored on your mobile phone’s hard drive. This factor is especially dangerous if the content of your mobile device is automatically backed up in the so-called “cloud”!

Sexting enthusiasts emphasize that the Telegram app is much more secure than both of the above.

As for the juicy shots you want to send to your chosen lady, remember that it is safest to avoid including your face in a hot photoshoot. Even complete trust in the other half often goes a long way!


Be informed about the latest news in the world of sexual intimacy and take a look at the alphabet of love COVID-19 – about safe sex in any conditions!

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